


网络释义:到达时间(time of arrival);三辛胺(trioctylamine);输卵管卵巢脓肿(tubo-ovarian abscess)


1.到达时间(time of arrival) 盆腔炎的手术治疗主要用于抗生素控制不满意 的输卵管卵巢脓肿TOA)或盆腔脓肿。


5.室内设计系毕业展览会(The One Academy)强度指示算法(RSSI)、到达角度算法(AOA)、到达时间算法TOA)等。


1.Oolong toa is only partly fermented and a brew from Oolong tea has some of the characteristics of both green and black tea.乌龙茶只是经过部分发酵的,所以乌龙茶的茶汤兼有绿茶和红茶和某些特征。

2.Secondly, the transformation equation of proper time and coordinate time, and that of time-of-arrival(TOA) is presented.其次给出了原时与坐标时的转换方程和脉冲到达时间转换方程;

3.Migrate toa debit card or to plastic that must be paid each month.改用每个月还款的借记卡或银行卡。

4.Tolerance of ambiguity (TOA) is one of the individual differences in influencing learners'learning outcomes.歧义容忍度是影响学习者学习成效的个体差异之一。

5.Up-to-date information on all payments made toa subcontractor is available by simple cpck of a button.通过点击一个按钮的方式可以在所有承包支付方面保持最新的信息。

6.The easy and probably more intelpgent thing to do would be to turn them over toa tour agency.最方便、同时可能也更明智的做法是把他们交给旅行社。

7.Well, the river carried me toa reservoir. I ralaxed there for a few days. Then people cleaned me up.很好,后来河流把我带到了水库,我在那呆了一些天,然后人们对我进行了清理。

8.This paper mainly discusses the location error influenced by non-horizontal nature of base stations based on TOA, TDOA and AOA algorithms.主要针对该误差因素,分别对TOA,TDOA和AOA算法分析了基站之间非水平面性对定位误差的影响。

9.This warrior arrives toa hospital, the nurse takes him to a bedside of old man.这位战士赶到医院,护士把他带到一个老头的床边。

10.Studies an ultra-wide band (UWB) time of arrival ( TOA ) estimation technique in dense indoor multipath environments.研究室内密集多径信道环境下的超宽带到达时间(TOA)估计技术。