




1.世界青年日 ... 世界邮政日( Universal Postal Day) 世界青年节( World Youth Day) 世界学生节( World Festival of Students) ...

3.世青年节 ... 2011马德里世界青年日 |World Youth Day 2011 2008悉尼世界青年日 |World Youth Day 2008 首 …

5.马德里世界青年日 ... 普世博爱运动 |Focolare 2011马德里世界青年日 |World Youth Day 2011 2008悉尼世界青年日 |World Youth Day 20…


1.The Pope is visiting Spain to celebrate World Youth Day, a festival bringing together pilgrims from countries around the world.教皇访问西班牙来庆祝世界青年日(WorldYouthDay),该节日将全世界的年轻人集结在一起。

2.The Pope's address came during the church's World Youth Day, a global celebration meant to inspire a new generation of Cathopcs.教皇在教堂的世界青年日期间讲这番话,这个节日是为了激发新一代的天主教徒。

3.Nepal will not send an official delegation to World Youth Day (WYD), church leaders said this week.尼泊尔教会领袖表示,他们将不会派出官方代表团参加普世青年节。

4.The Pope made his remarks today (Thursday) to more than 100-thousand pilgrims at World Youth Day near Austrapa's famed Sydney Harbor.罗马天主教皇星期四在澳大利亚著名的雪梨港附近举办的世界青年日活动上,向10多万名朝圣者发表讲话。

5.Volunteers raise the World Youth Day cross in a Sydney park on its journey through the city's streets July 14, 2008.在澳洲的雪梨公园内,志工举起世界青年日的十字架,该十字架将继续绕行市区街道。

6.The Pope is set to arrive in Madrid on August 18 for the final four days of the six-day World Youth Day event.教宗预计会在8月18日抵达马德里停留四天,作为他为期六天世界青年节活动的终点。

7.Pope Benedict arrived in Sydney on Sunday ahead of World Youth Day which begins Tuesday.教宗本笃于周日提前抵达雪梨,世界青年日订于今日开始。

8.He's in Austrapa for World Youth Day celebrations.他在澳大利亚参加世界青年节庆典。