




1.克莱斯勒大厦 ... 德国史必约尔大教堂 / Speyer Cathedral 美国克莱斯勒大厦 / Chrysler Building 日本姬路城 / Himeji Castle ...


8.帝国大厦和克莱斯勒大厦参加熄灯活动的摩天大楼,包括帝国大厦和克莱斯勒大厦(Chrysler Building)。估计每年有9万只鸟,因为撞击玻璃幕墙大楼,死 …


1.The Empire State Building, the Rockfeller Center Building, as well as the Chrysler Building on Lexington Avenue, were all built in this era.帝国大厦、洛克菲勒中心大厦,以及莱克星顿大道上的克莱斯勒大厦,均建于该时期。

2.Huaxi's so-called "New Village in the Sky" is about 328 meters high, a bit taller than the Chrysler Building in Manhattan, New York.这座号称“空中华西村”的大楼高约328米,比纽约曼哈顿的克莱斯勒大厦还要高一些。

3.It ceased to be the world's tallest in 1930 when the Chrysler Building went up in New York.在1930年美国纽约的帝国大厦建成时它就不再是世界上最高的了。

4.Its capital, Santiago, is clean and modern, with a scaled-down version of the Chrysler Building.智利首都圣地亚哥整洁、现代,还有缩小版的克赖斯勒大厦(ChryslerBuilding)。

5.The tower was the world's tallest building until completion of the Chrysler Building in 1930.在1930年纽约市的克莱斯勒大厦建成以前,为世界最高建筑。

6.View from Empire State Building to Chrysler Building and Queensboro Bridge.从帝国大厦向克莱斯勒大厦与皇后大桥眺望。

7.Chandler: And that's the Chrysler Building right there.最后那边那个就是克莱斯勒大楼。

8.Miss Lorenzana was hired by Citibank in September 2008 as a $70, 000 per year business banker, based in the Chrysler Building.位于克莱斯勒大厦的花旗银行在2008年9月以7万美元年薪雇佣了Lorenzana做商业银行职员。

9.But at that point, the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building in New York were both being finished.但不久,纽约的克莱斯勒大厦和帝国大厦几乎同时完成。

10.JULIA: By 1930, The Chrysler Building was built in New York City.朱莉娅:克莱斯勒大厦是1930年在纽约市建造的。