



1.Astronomers speculate that M51's spiral structure is primarily due to its gravitational interaction with a neighboring smaller galaxy.科学家们推测,与一个相邻的较小的星系之间的引力作用形成了M51的螺旋结构。

2.Explanation: One of the brightest supernovas in recent years has just been recorded in the nearby Whirlpool galaxy (M51).解说:近年来最明亮的超新星之一出现在了临近的旋涡星系(M51)中。

3.Perhaps the original spiral nebula, M51 is also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy.M51又称“涡状星系”,极有可能是发现最早的一个螺旋星云。

4.Perhaps the original spiral nebula, M51 is a large galaxy, over 60, 000 pght-years across, with a readily apparent spiral structure.也许旋涡星系M51原本是一个巨大的星系,直径超过6万光年,有显尔易见的旋涡结构。

5.Through guiding bed, pthology and electric properties analysis, strata of M51-4 sub member was compared.通过标志层、岩性和岩电特征分析,对马五1-4亚段地层进行了对比。

6.This gravitational tug of war may also have triggered an increased level of star formation in M51 .这样的重力拖拽之战也许也是触发M51中恒星形成水平高低的原因。

7.This paper evaluates and predicts the advantage area to M51-2 reservoir based on the reservoir development factors.在储层发育影响因素的研究基础上对马五1-2储层有利区进行评价与预测。

8.This dramatically processed color composite combines M51 image data from the Calar Alto Observatory's 1. 2 meter telescope.这张显著增强的彩色合成照片的数据来源于卡拉阿托天文台的1.2米望远镜。

9.Over 60, 000pght-years across, M51's spiral arms and dust lanes clearly sweep infront of its companion galaxy, NGC 5195.M51跨越了60,000多光年,它的旋臂和尘埃带清晰地在它旁边的星系NGC5195前方掠过。

10.Over 60, 000 pght-years across, M51's spiral arms and dust lanes clearly sweep in front of its companion galaxy, NGC 5195.M51的螺旋臂和尘埃带跨越六万多光年,清晰地扫入伙伴星系NGC5195。