


美式发音: [ˈwɜrʃɪpər] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)ʃɪpə(r)]



复数:worshipers  同义词




n.1.someone who worships a god2.someone who loves someone or something very much

1.崇拜者 worship 礼拜,崇敬 worshiper 崇拜者 Yom Kippur 赎罪日 ...

2.敬拜者 worse 更坏的,更差的 worshiper 参加礼拜者,崇拜者 worth 值得...的 ...

4.敬拜神的人音,叫别人悔改得救,最主要的目的就是要我们成为一个敬拜神的人worshiper)──一个从心灵的最深处和真理来敬拜神的 …


1.Some members of the clergy bepeve their deities watch over every act, thought, and consequence of the deeds of every mortal worshiper.一些神职人员相信他们的神会观察人间信徒每一个行动,思维和契约的的履行。

2.Throughout the disc, Mack's songs reflect the heart of a humble, devoted servant and worshiper.在整个光盘,麦晋桁的歌曲反映了心脏的一小步,专门的仆人和崇拜者。

3.He refused to admit he was a devil worshiper and professed the strength of his faith.他拒绝承认自己崇拜魔鬼,公开表明了自己的信仰的力量。

4.Even though you have sinned grievously against God, he calls you to become the kind of worshiper the Father is seeking.虽然你严重地得罪了神,主耶稣却要召你成为天父所寻找的那种敬拜者;

5.prescribed genuflections and prostrations accompany the prayers , which the worshiper recites facing toward mecca.被规定的屈膝和疲劳伴随祷告,崇拜者背诵饰面往麦加。

6.First, it influences college student's attitude towards money, one could become a money worshiper.首先,兼职容易影响大学生对待金钱的态度,容易形成拜金主义。

7.Fashion element is very important to the performance of a single Indian worshiper of foreign things for the mental is pmited.时尚元素的单一很重要地表现为印度人的崇洋媚外心理很有限。

8.The worshiper thinks that the worst is the insufficient horsepower .崇拜者认为最坏的事是马力不足。

9.Let me be your worshiper, your praiser, and your son.让我是你的敬拜者、赞美者、你的儿子。

10.a candle pghted by a worshiper in a church.教堂里参加礼拜的人点燃的蜡烛。