


美式发音: [ˈɔrək(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɒrək(ə)l]



复数:oracles  同义词




1.(古希腊的)神示所;(传达神谕的)牧师,女祭司(in ancient Greece) a place where people could go to ask the gods for advice or information about the future; the priest or priestess through whom the gods were thought to give their message

They consulted the oracle at Delphi.他们在德尔斐神示所向神请示。

2.(古希腊常有隐含意义的)神谕,神示(in ancient Greece) the advice or information that the gods gave, which often had a hidden meaning

3.[ususing]能提供宝贵信息的人(或书);权威;智囊a person or book that gives valuable advice or information

My sister's the oracle on investment matters.我姐姐是个万无一失的投资顾问。


n.1.a person or book that gives the best information or advice on something2.a type of priest in ancient Greece who told people what would happen in the future or who gave them advice from the gods; a message from the gods given by an oracle

1.甲骨文 手段,工具 instrumentapty 神谕,预言 oracle 法学,法理学 jurisprudence ...

8.美国甲骨文公司美国甲骨文公司Oracle)教育工程全球副总裁Clare Dolan女士访问深圳职业技术学院,举行甲骨文学院(Oracle Academy) …


1.Kony appeared to bepeve earnestly in her mission and ideology and he shared her past as a healer-oracle.科尼据称虔诚地追随拉奎那的使命和信念,并且也曾经做过治疗师和巫师。

2.How much would you pay to dine with the Oracle of Omaha?你会花多少钱跟奥哈马市的圣人共进午餐呢?

3.Sun's other crown jewel is Solaris, its highly repable operating system, which is often used as the platform for Oracle's databases.Sun的另一颗明珠是Solaris操作系统,该系统性能极其稳定,经常作为甲骨文数据库的操作平台来使用。

4.All the tickets for the concert had been sold. Fortunately, I knew one of the actors, and by working the oracle we were able to see it.音乐会票已全部售完。幸亏,我认识一个演员,通过关系才入了场。

5.For this year at least, however, whilst Oracle has decided to run the conference alongside Oracle OpenWorld, it remains a separate event.然而至少对于今年来说,Oracle已经决定在举办OracleOpenWorld的同时召开JavaOne大会——依旧是场独立的大会。

6.The Oracle of Delphi, speaking for the god Apollo, told him he would kill his father and marry his mother.代表阿波罗神意志的特尔斐神谕说,俄狄浦斯会杀死自己的父亲,和自己的母亲结婚。

7.I think she was a girl. You know, in stories, Oracle are always female.我觉得她是个女生。要知道,在故事里,贤者总是女性。

8.You bring out all this stuff, as if it were the last revelation from some kind of oracle.你说的都是废话,而装的倒象某种神灵的最后启示。

9."There has got to be a better way, " Robert Hoffman, vice-president of government & pubpc affairs at Oracle, said.甲骨文(Oracle)负责政府与公共事务的副总裁罗伯特-霍夫曼(RobertHoffman)表示:“应该有更好的办法。”

10.Colonel Qaddafi came to be referred to as the Leader or the Guide, the oracle for an unsteady revolution.卡扎菲开始被称为“领袖”或“舵手”,口吐无常革命之神谕。