

on the spur of the moment

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adv.impulsively,suddenly,impetuously,spontaneously,off the cuff


na.1.if you do something on the spur of the moment, you do it suddenly and do not take time to plan it or think carefully about it


1.You sometimes act before you think and do things on the spur of the moment, and that sometimes gets you into trouble.你有时会采取行动之前,你想,做的一时冲动,而且有时让你陷入麻烦的事情。

2.On the spur of the moment I decided to loan my sofa and my rug to my niece who was moving to a larger home.我不假思索地就决定把我的沙发和我的小地毯借给我的侄女,她就要搬到一个较大的家了。

3.His brothers said it was done on the spur of the moment, but his colleagues at al-Baghdadia said he had been planning it for months.他的兄弟认为这只是一时冲动之举,而同在al-Baghdadia工作的同事则表示,他为此已经策划数月。

4.Eg. He got the air form Jupet just because he asked her to marry him on the spur of the moment.他想Jupet求婚遭到拒绝,是因为他是在一时冲动之下向她求婚的。

5.They had no one who came up with wacko ideas on the spur of the moment, and no one who could keep options open for a while.没有人能突发奇想想出什么疯狂的主意,而且没有人可以在一段时间内,对不同方案保持开放的心态。

6.Colonel: Ahh. . . it's just not possible Poirot. Nobody could think all that up all by himself on the spur of the moment.上校:啊!这简直是不可能的,波洛,没有人相信他能在一瞬间独自完成这一切。

7.They may decide to go for a weekend in Thailand on the spur of the moment, and the personal assistant has to make it happen.他们可能一时冲动,决定去泰国度周末,这位私人秘书就只好让美梦成真。

8.To BE good, a musician had not only to rememBEr his part but also to BE able to invent new variations on the spur of the moment.要当个好乐师,不仅必须记住自己应演奏的部分,而且要能够即兴创作出新的变奏曲调。

9.He had not planned to take the trip; he just went on the spur of the moment.他事先没有计划这趟旅行,只是一时高兴就走了。

10.The band you went to see on that wet Tuesday after work on the spur of the moment is pkely to be pterally incomparable.在阴雨的周二下班后,你去看的那个乐队演出,那种欢欣鼓舞的时刻可能确实是无可匹敌的。