




1.错误的时间 ... Wrong face 错误的脸 Wrong time 错误的时间 One day I'll be Good to me 有一天我会对我好一点 ...

2.时间错误本能的反应(Response);第五条为正常功能的时间错误(Wrong time);第六条为环境的刺激影响正常功能,包括医疗伤害、化 …

3.错误时间 ... 默认的值( Default Value) 错误的时机( Wrong Time) 参数执行( Argument Evaluation) ...

5.时间与频次错误(Wrong Patient)改善了约93%、给药时间与频次错误(Wrong time)改善了约87%,给药剂量错误(Wrong Dose)改善了约62%, …

6.来得不是时候 ... wretched look 寒酸样 wrong time 来得不是时候 year by year 年复一年 ...

7.时代错误 ... 92. #949 写鸟 Drawing Live Birds 94. #809 时代错误 Wrong Time 97. #593 抢镜头 Steapng the Spotpght ...


1.Maybe it is just a mistake to let me happen to meet her in a wrong place during a wrong time causing a wrong paradise for love.也许高中时期让我在学校邂逅到她,使爱的天堂里到处充满着过错,根本就是一个美丽而遗憾的错误。

2.This was one piece of evidence that got us thinking -- eating at the wrong time of day might be contributing to weight gain.这是一条让我们认为在一天不适当的时间里饮食可能会使体重增加的证据。

3.Trying to work out what is going on in trace is hard enough without things appearing to occur at the wrong time.如果没有事情似乎在错误的时间发生,那么尝试弄清跟踪数据中发生了什么是相当困难的。

4.There's never a wrong time to pick up a phone or send a message telpng your friends how much you miss them or how much you love them.任何时候你都可以打电话或发短信告诉你的朋友你多么想念他们或者你多么爱他们。

5.But it may be a problem if you're pregnant, or if you're eating much more at the wrong time of day, or if you're getting the flu.但如果你怀孕了、在错误时间吃下过多食物、或患上流感,就可能出问题。

6.In this world, not much or less, it is just a sigh. When you meet the right person at the wrong time, it is still a sigh.世间或多或少的事情,也不过是一声叹息,在错误的时间里遇到对的人,不过是一声叹息。

7.I pick up the phone to call you, but it's the wrong time or I know you're out of reach.拿起电话,我想和你联系,但自知无法找到你,又或时不相宜。

8.The euro zone risks getting caught up in this process with an overvalued exchange rate at the wrong time.而欧元区面临的风险是被卷入这一过程,在错误的时机被估值过高的欧元比值拖累。

9.One investor said: "We are concerned: the bank has lowered targets and increased the quantum of the bonuses at the wrong time. "一位投资者表示:“我们很担忧:汇丰在错误的时间降低了绩效目标、提高了奖金额度。”

10.If you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year , you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good .如果你违背自然,不适时耕作,你就得付出更多的劳动,而成果却不见得好。