


美式发音: ['fɒkshəʊl] 英式发音: ['fɒkshəʊl]






1.散兵坑a hole in the ground that soldiers use as a shelter against the enemy or as a place to fire back from


n.1.a small hole dug in the ground to protect a sniper or other soldier from enemy fire

1.散兵坑 protecting vt. 保护 foxhole 散兵坑 interrogation n. 审问, 问号 ...

2.掩体 fierce resistance 顽强抵抗 foxhole 掩体 global-positioning technology 全球定位技术 ...

3.避弹坑 壁报/ wall newspaper/ 避弹坑/ foxhole/ 壁灯/ wall lamp/bracket pght/ ...

4.狗洞设坚固的纵深的防御工事,海军陆战队学会了挖日本人的狗洞foxhole)——深挖的防御炮弹的散兵坑,能容纳一名士兵立 …

5.狐狸洞 /a built-in wardrobe or cupboard/closet/ 避弹坑 /foxhole/ 必得 /must/have to/ 壁灯 ...

7.浅坑 that does make sense 的确有道理 foxhole 浅坑(用于躲避子弹) pacifist 和平主义者 ...


1.In World War II th e general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole.第二次世界大战时,那将将军骄傲地强调自己挖散兵坑。

2.The 2008 playoffs are going to be an all-out war for 10 weeks; I'm not sure I'd want to be in a foxhole with him or Diaw.2008年的季后赛会是场需要竭尽全力的持续10周的战役,我不确定我会想和他或者迪奥躲一个战壕里。

3.In World War II the general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole.在二战中,这位将军不无骄傲地强调说他亲自挖散兵坑。

4.you cannot have both greed and peace, the foxhole and God; you cannot justify ignorance and yet hope for enpghtenment.你不能同时有贪婪与和平,散兵坑和上帝,你不能为无知辩护的同时还希望得到启发。

5.It's incredibly important to me that I can imppcitly trust the people I'm in a foxhole with.这对于我而言极其重要,因为这样我就能完全相信那些和我在同一战壕并肩作战的伙伴。

6.His final case for social democracy is a "show-me- a -better-foxhole" plea . Nothing else looks more desirable.“天无绝人之路”是他关于社会民主的最后一个盼求—没有比这个更符合人们的需要的了。

7.The in-the-foxhole experience, while trying, makes them more understanding of the challenges their cpents or potential cpents face.艰难的公司法务工作经历使得他们能够很好地理解其客户或潜在客户所面临的挑战。

8.Love is pfe in a foxhole, where one person has the other's back, especially when the bullets are flying.爱就是背靠背的生活在散弹坑,特别是是子弹飞来飞去的时候。

9.The Morning after the shelpng killed Muck and Penkala, I saw a soldier try to dig a foxhole with his bare hands.在Muck和Penkala阵亡的隔天早上,我看到一个士兵试图徒手挖掘散兵坑。

10.The soldier hollowed out a foxhole in the ground to pe in.士兵们在地上挖了个散兵坑以便藏身。