


美式发音: ['pelətɒn] 英式发音: ['pelətɒn]





1.(自行车赛中的)主车群the main group of riders in a bicycle race

1.大部队行车赛中,赛手们在巡航时往往彼此贴得很近,形成一个主车团peloton), 以期利用前面赛手形成的风拽(drafting,又译 …

3.自行车凳子 Concentre de Vie 沙发 Peloton 自行车凳子 Colors Cartesia 智慧型书桌 ...

4.车群车赛中,赛手们在巡航时往往彼此贴得很近,形成一个主车群peloton), 以期利用前面赛手形成的风拽(drafting,又译弹 …

5.主车群 ... 75. 梯形队形: echelon 76. 主车群: bunch;pack;peloton 77. 摆脱: breakaway;runaway ...

6.卷枝吸胞 06.077 丛枝吸胞 arbuscule 06.078 卷枝吸胞 peloton 06.079 菌根鞘 mycoclena ...

7.主集团 队列骑行 pacepne 主集团 peloton 计时赛 time trial ...


1.Fans protect themselves from the sun as they wait for the peloton to pass July 4 during the first stage between Rotterdam and Brussels.来自太阳的球迷保护自己,因为它们的菌丝结等通过在鹿特丹和布鲁塞尔之间的第一阶段7月4日。

2.I can tell you, however, that without passion, without a mission, you'll always be just another rider in the peloton .我能告诉你,无论如何,失去了激情和使命,你将永远只是大集团军中的另一名车手。

3.On day two, set up a private lesson with REI along the popular river section of the trail ($75) and test your skills in the peloton .第二天,REI公司将在开放的河畔区域举办一个私人骑行课程(价格为75美元)并测试您的团队骑行技能。

4.Claire Pedrono uses a slate board to inform breakaway riders of the time gap they have on the peloton during the first stage.克莱尔佩德罗诺使用石板董事会通知的时间差距分离车手在第一阶段,他们在珀洛东都。

5.The peloton, including yellow jersey holder Fabian Cancellara, passes a village near Brussels during the second stage July 5.该珀洛东,包括黄色领骑衫的持有人费边坎瑟拉拉,经过布鲁塞尔附近的一个村庄,在第二阶段,7月5日。

6.The peloton travels through a rural French landscape along stage 12 of the Tour de France on July 16, 2010 in Mende, France.该珀洛东穿过一阶段的农村沿环法自行车赛于7月12日法国景观16日在芒德,法国2010年。

7.The peloton rides past disinterested spectators during the ninth stage between Issoire and Saint-Flour on July 10, 2011.过去在2011年7月10日,第九届阶段伊索尔和圣面粉之间的无私观众peloton游乐设施。

8.The peloton passes a windmill in Vreeland during the second stage from Amsterdam to Utrecht May 9.在传递的珀莱东第二阶段从阿姆斯特丹5月9日在乌得勒支弗雷兰风车。

9.The peloton sprint towards the finish pne on stage four of the 2010 Tour de France from Cambrai to Reims on July 7, 2010 in Reims, France.从康布雷迈向舞台上对2010年环法自行车赛4终点线7月7日到2010年的兰斯在Reims,法国珀洛东冲刺。

10.The peloton rides July 5 during the second stage between Brussels and Spa.7月5日开车队在布鲁塞尔和斯帕间开始第二个赛段。