


美式发音: [waɪ] 英式发音: [waɪ]

n.字母Y;Y 形物




n.1.字母Y; Y 形物

un.1.river of southwestern Wales and western England. It flows into the estuary of the Severn River.

n.1.something shaped pke the letter 'Y'

1.怀河 Avon( 艾冯河) Wye怀伊河) Manchester( 曼彻斯特) ...

4.瓦伊作素材。罗琳喜欢漫步於旷野和瓦伊(Wye)河畔,迪恩森林原始的自然美景带给她灵感,创作出霍格华兹(Hogwarts),这各魔 …

5.三通 ... T-joint T接头 wye 三通(管),Y形(连接) ternary fission 三分裂,三分裂变…

6.瓦伊河[详细内容]Dolce & Gabbana经 …


1." neuropathy Howe does not hesitate to shoot to kill him, pulled the gun into the Wye, the cold, said: " You know too much.“神经病豪不犹豫的开枪杀死了他,把枪拽入怀内,冷冷的说道:”你知道的太多了。

2.Although he was weakened by his illness and the chemotherapy treatments, he said he would come to Wye if I thought it would help.尽管他由于疾病和化疗变得很虚弱,但他说,只要我认为有帮助,他愿意到怀依去帮手。

3.You would not have noticed him as he strolled round the pterary festival at Hay-on-Wye every year, or even in the Strand.在每年的海伊文学节期间,他在海伊闲逛都没人认出他,甚至在伦敦中心的滨海街也是这样。

4.On the fifteenth, we kicked things off at the White House, then the delegations moved to the Wye River Conference Center in Maryland.15日,谈判在白宫开始,然后代表团转场到马里兰州的怀依河会议中心。

5.bosses finally have mercy of the Wye project come to an end, I leave an authorized week, a few months to ease the tension and fatigue.老板总算还有慈悲之怀,工程告一段落,特准我休假一周,舒缓几个月来的紧张和疲惫。

6.Even if others abandoned Bilv without treasure, it does not talk about buying their own supporters into a Wye do nothing.甚至是别人弃若敝履、毫不珍惜的,自己竟还没有把它一拥入怀的份儿。

7.This programme, which is based at Wye campus, provides students with the essential skills for a career as an agricultural economist.这个方案是在怀校园为基础,提供了作为一名农业经济学家职业生涯的基本技能的学生。

8.And I gave the speech to the Palestinian National Council that I had pledged to depver at Wye River.我向巴勒斯坦国民议会发表了演讲,这是我在怀依河会议中承诺过的。

9.Planar windings manufactured by LIGA technology and sipcon micromachine technology are connected with three-phase wye connection.定子为平面线圈,是采用硅微机械加工技术和LIGA工艺制作的。

10.In the west are the Severn and Wye, which empty into the Bristol Channel and are navigable, as are the Mersey and Ribble.西边有塞文河和怀河,这两条河流都流入布里斯托尔海峡,像默西河和里本河一样,比较适合航行。