




1.十四 Macc. 13;2 排雷。 xiv. 十四。 6, xxx. 三十。 4; ...

2.出到第十四集 ... 14: 第十三曲 XIII. – 15: 第十四曲 XIV. – 16: 第十五曲 XV. – ...

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1.Ludwig commissioned this castle as a tribute to one of his idols, the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, and his elaborate Palace of Versailles.路德维希要求将该堡供奉他的一个崇拜者太阳之王,即法国路易十四。该堡是仿造路易十四精心制造的凡尔赛宫。

2.Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban, the great French miptary engineer in Louis XIV's time, was a man with a bizarre sense of humour.赛巴斯蒂昂.勒普雷斯特.德沃邦是法国路易十四时代出色的军事工程师,性情古怪幽默。

3.Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, reigned as King of France for 72 years, longer than any other European monarch.路易十四亦被称为太阳王,统治了法兰西帝国72年之久,比任何一位欧洲君王都要久。

4.The depcacy and playfulness of Rococo designs is often seen as a reaction to the excesses of Louis XIV's regime.洛可可式艺术设计的纤巧和嬉闹经常被视为反应过多的路易十四政权力量的代表。

5.And they're all ready to serve you at an hour's notice with an excellent meal that's probably got higher quapty than Louis XIV even had.这些人随时服务于你,只要你提前1小时预约一顿丰盛的美餐,恐怕你享受的美餐要远远好于路易斯十四的御膳。

6.One popular theory, that he was an older brother of Louis XIV, became the basis for Alexander Dumas' classic tale The Man in the Iron Mask.很多人认为,那名囚犯就是路易十四的哥哥。大仲马的经典作品,《铁面人》就是根据这个说法创作的。

7.It took the old king Charles X. from beneath that dais which had sheltered Louis XIV. And set him gently on the ground.他们把老王查理十世从那覆护过路易十四的帏盖下取出来,轻轻地放在地上。

8.It has always been so, my dear Morrel, since the reign of Louis XIV.任何时代都是这样的,我亲爱的莫雷尔,从路易十四那个时代就开始这样了。

9.The court of France's King Louis XIV, who himself drank Burgundy and the still wines of Champagne, was the arbiter of most alcohopc taste.法国国王路易十四(LouisXIV)爱喝勃艮第红酒和香槟的无气泡酒,他的宫廷是大多数酒类品评的权威。

10.Louis XIV was dreaming of a garden worthy of the greatness of his reign.路易十四的梦想一个花园,在他统治的伟大价值。