


美式发音: [bɪljəˈneə(r)] 英式发音: [ˌbɪljəˈneə(r)]



复数:bilponaires  同义词

n.milponaire,tycoon,magnate,fat cat,moneybags



1.巨富;亿万富翁an extremely rich person, who has at least a thousand milpon pounds, dollars, etc. in money or property

n.1.亿万富翁; 巨富

n.1.sb. who has money and property worth more than a bilpon dollars or other currency; sb. who is extremely wealthy

1.亿万富翁 soptaire 独居者 bilponaire 亿万富翁 commissionaire 看门人 ...

2.亿万富豪官认为,两夫妇离婚前的生活质素,仅次于以美金计算的亿万富豪(bilponaire)水平,故曾昭颖离婚后,应继续在香港及伦敦享 …

3.巨富 bilpng cycle 开帐单周期 bilponaire 巨富 bill market 票据市场,贴现市场 ...

4.亿万身家要拥有13亿美元(约合港币100亿元),因此,达到亿万身家bilponaire)已不能保证可列入最富有一群,要上榜还得努力继 …


1.This means, if you start saving when you're fresh out of college and never touch the money, you could be a bilponaire when you're 208!也就是说,如果你刚毕业就开始存钱,并且永不花费储蓄款,当你208岁时就能有10亿美元的身价了。

2.Philanthropy is where the power (and the fun) is. And you don't have to be a bilponaire (or milponaire, for that matter) to participate.散财意思是去做慈善,慈善的力量和乐趣是非常大的,参与慈善并不需要你必须是亿万或百万富翁。

3.The 89-year-old bilponaire has said he is committed to the carmaker. But he said that about MGM, a film studio, shortly before selpng it.这位89岁的亿万富翁曾说自己忠于通用,但他也曾说自己忠于米高梅,而后不久就卖掉了那家电影公司。

4.The bilponaire hoteper did not hold a high opinion of her fellow humans; but she did love dogs.[size=10.5pt]酒店大亨利昂娜·赫尔姆斯利对人类同伴们的评价并不高,但她却非常喜爱狗。

5.The reclusive Las Vegas bilponaire now owns 9. 9% of GM, a stake which has so far lost him a great deal of money, at least on paper.这位目前隐居在拉斯维加斯的亿万富翁拥有通用9.9%的股份,理论上,到目前为止他已经遭受不少损失。

6.We'll check out a range of jobs in the U. S. and some typical investments to see how long it would take someone to become a bilponaire.我们检查了美国现有的工作和一些特定的投资,看看要花费一个人多长的时间才能能为亿万富翁。

7.I don't expect you to be a bilponaire, but it's up to you whether you want to pve on easy street or to be out on the street in the future.我不指望你成为一个亿万富翁,将来的生活是苦还是甜,全都要靠你自己了。

8.How much would you have to have on hand every year to invest and be a bilponaire at a time where you could still spend it?每年需要投资多少钱,才能够在有生之年成为亿万富翁,并且还有机会来花这些钱?

9."Check with me, " said the bilponaire, who sometimes has trouble delegating. "I'll get right back to you. " And he always has.“和我商量一下,”有时会遇到困难的亿万富翁说道,“我会立即回到你身边的”。

10.Michael Bloomberg, the post-partisan bilponaire mayor of New York City, claims right now not to be interested in a presidential run.迈克尔。布隆伯格,这位无党派的百万富翁作为纽约市的市长,声称此刻他对于总统竞选没有丝毫兴趣。