




1.你死了 甚至连你死了1. even when you died 你死了1. you are dead 现在你死了1. you die no…

2.你已经死了 What,what you are doing here? 你,你在这里做什么? I killed you,you are dead 我杀了你,你已经死了 ...

3.你完蛋了 You eat with that mouth? 你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗? “You are dead.” 你完蛋了。1 “This means war.” 这就意味着跟我宣战。 ...

4.而在各种目的和意图之下 ... 而在各种目的和意图之下you are dead. 你已经死了! No one knows you are here. ...

5.阁下已死亡之后,「你的朋友」会收到「阁下已死亡」(You are dead)的电邮通知,连同自己当了受害者的影片寄上。收件者看后当然 …


1.When you were apve, you were all my joy. Now you are dead, I see you only in my dreams.当你还活着时,你是我快乐的一切。现在你死了,我只在梦里面才看得见你。

2.if you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten , either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing .如果你不会被遗忘,尽快,因为你是死亡和腐烂,要么写出值得一读的东西,或者不值得写的东西。

3.'It cannot be you, ' she said. 'You are dead.“这不可能,”她说,“你已经死了呀,是我杀死你的。”

4.You won't be able to perceive as you do now when you are dead.当你死时,你将不能象你现在做的那样去感知。

5.His father tried to put you out of business! You are dead!他爸想害你倒闭!你死定了!

6.Wedding is the beginning of your new pfe, so now(before the wedding), you are dead!婚礼的开始您的新生活,所以,现在(在婚礼前),你死了!

7.If you wou'd not before gotten, As soon as you are dead and rotten, Either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing.假如你想声名永存,要么写出值得一读的书,要么做出值得一写的事。

8.Now the Lord had said to Moses in Midian, "Go back to Egypt, for all the men who wanted to kill you are dead. "耶和华在米甸对摩西说:“你要回埃及去,因为寻索你命的人都死了。”

9.Don't give up your dream. When you have no dream, you still are apve as you are dead.不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没了以后,你还活着,但你虽生犹死。

10.When you are dead broke and out, can the talk from people bring you out of poverty and hardship? Surely not.当您一文不名时,夸夸其谈能让您摆脱贫穷和困苦吗?当然不能。