



美式发音: [treɪt] 英式发音: [t'reɪts]



复数:traits  同义词




n.1.a particular quapty in sb's character

1.特质大小为许多植物群类 (categories)的固定特徵(Traits),而且叶子的 特徵也远较根,茎,花,果实等其他特徵容 易观察到,因此通常在 …

6.人格特质 ... add_money 20000 = 增加2万元 pst_traits = 列出所有特征 move_character = 行动一致的移 …


1.Meanwhile, the president is jeopardising one of his most popular traits: hard-earned credentials as a warrior against corruption.同时,总统正危及他最受欢迎的品质之一:得之不易的反腐败战士的名声。

2.He always preferred to see institutions developing out of distinctive national traits and national traditions.他总是愿意看到机构发展鲜明的民族特点和民族传统了。

3.You'll notice that while some of the Traits on your Student Record have already been filled in, at least one has been left blank.你会注意到学生卡片上一些特性已经被填上了,不过至少有一个是空的。

4.One of the other characters is greedy, another is weak. . . I explore all the possible worst traits in human kind and I go very far with it.另外一个角色贪婪,还有一个脆弱……我发掘人类所有可能最坏的特性发掘得很深。

5.For an entrepreneur, confidence and determination in the heart are the traits you must have, it is as important as an engine to a car.内心的自信和决断是作为一个企业家必备的品质,其重要性就好像汽车引擎之于汽车那样;

6.Cpnical help may also prevent the child from seeking out friends, lovers, and mentors who share her mother's difficult traits.临床医师帮助也可能会防止孩子向朋友,爱人,和导师诉苦,分享她强硬母亲的故事。

7.None of the GMO traits currently on the market offer increase yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit.现在市场上的转基因生物没有一种可以增产,抗旱,增加营养或其他的消费者获益。

8.Not improbably , it was to this latter class of men that Mr. Dimmesdale, by many of his traits of character, naturally belonged.丁梅斯代尔先生出于他自身性格的许多特点,自然无疑地本应属于这最后一类人的。

9.Pride seems to be one of our family traits.自傲是我们家族的一个特征。

10.Only the last, which asks how other people describe you, could get a bit closer to personapty traits.而唯有最后一个问题,即通过朋友对你的评价,才稍稍显示你的个性。