




1.你可以 《I Say 我要说》(滚石唱片) 《You Can 你可以》(滚石唱片) 《Karen 莫文蔚》(星光唱片) ...

2.你能 d.do it yourself. 自己拿。 a.you can 你能。 b.behave yourself. 端正你自己 。 ...

3.只有你 A Little Too Not Over You 忘记你我做不到 You Can 只有你 Running 奔向你 ...

4.您可以 feed. 喂养。 You can 您可以 leave a response 留下的回应 ...

5.你可以的 ... Here comes,my hand 来这里,接着我的步伐 Take it,you can 就这样做,你可以的 The time,is now 就是现 …

6.你会 09 Here 这里 10 I Can,You Can 我会,你会 11 This Is For You 这是给你的 ...

7.你无法假装那是雨水 ... You Can : 只有你 You Can你无法假装那是雨水 YOU DEFINITELY CAN : …


1."You know, " he said enthusiastically, "you can still wear it after the party! "“要知道,”他激情四溢地说:“聚会完了之后,你也照样能带!”

2.Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down.当然,你等我一下下,让我找张纸记下来。

3.Sure, you can exchange them, but on some CONDITIONS. You'd better have the invoice with you and you'd better not take off the TAG.当然可以,但是有一些条件。你必须要留有你的收据,另外,你最好不要把标签拿掉。

4.Sure you can . Several banks in London are in a position to open letters of credit in Renminbi.当然可以。在伦敦有好几家银行都可以开立人民币信用证。

5.The faster that you can get out of the hole, the sooner you'll start feepng repef and start saving aggressively towards your big goals.能够尽快地从经济困境里走出来,你才会更早地得到解放并尽力存款朝着更大的目标奋进。

6.What this means is that you can treat the IBM Cloud as if it were part of your own corporate network.这意味着您可以将IBMCloud视为您自己公司网络的一部分。

7.Using the DOM isn't a good option, as there aren't good, simple ways to turn a DOM object into a string that you can send as a request.使用DOM不是一种好的选择,因为没有简单易行的办法将DOM对象转化成在请求中发送的字符串。

8.You can cool the head gone do not know the kind of injuries were left helpless.你可以使你的头凉爽,却不知道这样会留下不治的伤患。

9.Also you can hop in and out of the two wheeled car from the front.另外,你可以从其正面上下车。

10.You can neglect your relationship with your spouse, and on a day-to-day basis, it doesn't seem as if things are deteriorating.而如果你每天忽略维护和你配偶或孩子的关系,事情好象不会马上变糟。