




1.你是我的 you are my girl/boy. 你是我的女孩、男孩。 you are mine. 你是我的 you belong to me. 你属 …

2.你的命我收走了 A glorious kill! 光荣的一击! You are mine! 你的命我收走了! I have better things to do.. 这下总算有好事可以做了…… ...

3.你是我的了 ... Enjoy your final moments! 享受你们最后的时光吧! You are mine! 你是我的了! ...

4.你是我的孩子手说看见一幅图像,是主耶稣来到将那本簿打开,写上「你是属我的(You are mine)。」M听到后就说心里很受感动。

6.你是属於我的 Give in to your hate 屈服於你的仇恨之心 You are mine 你是属於我的!! ...

7.你就是我的人 ... One more kiss to wake you up「 再多一个吻,让你醒来」 Come be mine,you are mine「 成为我的人,你就


1.Simply my beloveds because you are MINE and I desire you to return home to ME.我挚爱的孩子们,仅仅是因为你们是我的孩子,我希望你们回家到我这里。

2.You are mine and Louis' daughter. You see, Louis was going to leave us.你是我的女儿,路易的女儿,我们的女儿。

3.I will play xylophone for you, and love you forever, never leave you, because you are mine, you are my queen.我会为你弹木琴,永远爱你,绝不离开你,因为你属于我,你是我的女王。

4.Announcer : What may be a pttle thing to some . . . Bride #3 : You are mine , pttle man . Announcer : Could be a really big deal to you .讲解:一些小事将会导致什么。。。三号新娘:你给我过来,混蛋!讲解:对你来说可能很重要。

5.Power said to the world, "You are mine. " The world kept it prisoner on her throne.权势对世界说:“你是我的。”世界便把权势囚禁在她的宝座下面。

6.Power sfair conditioneriptdined on to the world "You are mine. " The world kept it prisoner on her throne.势力对世界说:“你是我的。”世界便把势力囚禁在她的宝座上面。

7.you're mine = you are mine I'm afraid of nothing, as long as you're mine.只要你是我的,我什么都不怕。

8.Sending you a kiss to say I'm glad that you are mine. Happy the day!送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。情人节快乐!

9.Sending you a kiss to say I'm glcraigspst ad that you are mine. Hiphone happy the day!送你一个吻,寂静的说我很快活你是我的。情人节快乐!

10.My dear one, then, I have wept for joy to think that you are mine, and often wonder if I deserve you.亲爱的,想到你是属于我的,我禁不住喜极而泣,但又时常惶恐,不知自己是否配得上你。