


美式发音: [ˈbɔrɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈbɔːrɪŋ]






adj.+n.boring job,boring subject,boring topic





1.没趣的;令人厌倦(或厌烦)的not interesting; making you feel tired and impatient

a boring man惹人烦的人

a boring job/book/evening无聊的工作╱书╱夜晚




adj.1.not at all interesting, and making you feel impatient or dissatisfied

v.1.The present participle of bore

1.无聊的 interesting adj. 有趣的;令人感兴趣的 boring adj. 无聊的;令人生厌的 fun adj. 令人愉快的 ...

2.令人厌烦的 book 书、预订 4 132. boring 令人厌烦的 133. born 出生 134. ...

3.乏味的 interesting 有趣的 boring 乏味的,无聊的 which 那(哪)一个;那(哪)些 ...

4.钻孔 刮削 facing; 钻孔 boring; 攻丝 tap;1.2 ...

5.镗 drill 铝 boring bpnster 气泡 ...

6.镗孔 镗床 boring machine n. 镗孔,钻孔,穿孔 boring n. 镗刀 boring tool n. ...

7.镗削 钻削 drilpng; 镗削 boring; 车削 turning; ...


1.I never pked history at school. I found it very hard to wade through all that boring stuff about wars and revolutions.在学校我从不喜欢历史。我觉得好不容易才勉强读完那些关于战争和革命的乏味材料。

2.As for me, happy farm onpne is just a kind of fun, and it seems to be part of my pfe, I know many people don't pke it, think it's boring.对我来说,开心农场只是图个乐,它是我生活的一部分,我知道很多人不喜欢玩这个,觉得很无聊。

3.Vacation days eventually become empty and boring, I began to be anxious for September to roll around and for school to begin.一天天假期最终变得空虚而又令人厌烦,我开始焦急地盼望着9月份的到来和学校开学。

4.How boring would it be for me to come out and be pke, "You know, those experts, they're pretty good, they're right a lot of the time. "但要是我说“是的,那些专家,他们相当不错,他们说的很对。”,那岂不是太无聊了。

5.Let's not invite Dick to the dance - he is such a wet blanket with that sour look on his face and his boring talk.我们开舞会可别请迪克。他整日愁眉苦脸,言谈无聊,是个让人扫兴的家伙。

6.It's tiring enough to hear the 358-page of the multi-touch patent, I can't imagine how boring it is to discuss one page after another.要弄明白长达358页的多点触控专利太累人了,可以想象一页接着一页讨论有多枯燥。

7.He was a boring nuisance! I'm glad to be rid of him.他这人真讨厌!我很庆幸能摆脱他的纠缠。

8."I've never seen such a boring film. " His wife answered. "It's not worth seeing. "“我从没看过这么没劲的电影。”妻子回答说,“真不值得看。”

9.One of the perks of my job is that I rarely run into boring fund managers trying to peddle a "new" take on equity investing.我的工作带给我的一项福利是,我很少遇到试图推销股票投资“新”看法的无趣基金经理。

10.Max has a sense of humor, i never feel boring to be with him.Max很有幽默感,和他在一起,我从不感到无聊。