




1.你在撒谎 The hen is laying an egg. 母鸡在下蛋。 You are lying! 你在撒谎! lying 撒谎 ...

2.你在说谎 W:Fine. Send it to my office tomorrow morning. 很好。明天早上送到我办公室。 W:You are lying. 你在说谎。 M:Yes. 是的。 ...

3.你撒谎 ... You are hopeless! 你没救了! You are lying! 你(在)撒谎! You are out! 1. 你出局了! 2.你落伍了!你老土 …

4.你想要背叛你的信念吗 ... 同我一起沉睡吧。 Just sleep. Don’t wake up. 你想要背叛你的信念吗You are lying. ...

5.你说谎 You are Lying 你说谎(有100万个镜头对着我, 他们还可以撒谎,说我撒谎). It is not you 不是你. ...

6.骗人 Yeah. 这样啊。 You are lying. 骗人。 Stop lying. 别骗人了。 ...


1.Oh, you are lying. I know you're lying. You know how I know? 'Cause you're a bad par! I hate a bad par.哦,你在说谎。我知道你在说谎。你知道我怎么知道的?因为你是个很差的说谎者!

2."Then I pray to God that you are lying" , his wife said hopefully.“那我祈祷上帝你是在说谎。”他妻子充满希望地说。

3.If you are lying and want to disguise it, keep your eyes and your hands calm without seeming unnatural.如果你在说谎并且想要伪装,设法保持眼神和双手冷静镇定,没有异常。

4.One of the hardest things in the process of constant reinvention is overcoming the sense that you are lying.经常更新简历中,最困难的事情是不要让别人觉得你在说谎。

5.Turn on some music and psten to a soothing song with your eyes closed while you are lying down.打开音乐,躺下并闭着眼睛听一些舒缓人心的音乐。

6.You are lying. I saw you were using a laptop yesterday. Bring it tomorrow.你骗人,昨天我看到你在用呢,明天带来。

7.It is obvious to me that you are lying.对我来说,这点很清楚:你在说谎。

8.Don't say sorry cause you are lying, but curtain's finally closing, go on and take a bow.不用道歉因为我知道你在撒谎,不管怎样拙劣的表演结束了,谢幕滚蛋吧。

9.Dreaming comes gently to you when you are lying in the field of summer nights, looking up at the sky while counting stars.梦,是你躺在夏夜的田野上,仰望着天空,一颗一颗数星星时悄悄走来的;

10.I see your eyes round and round and know you are lying. Let me see what's wrong.我看你眼珠子转啊转,就知道你在瞎掰了,我看看有没有怎么样。