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1.阵容;阵式the people who are going to take part in a particular event

an impressive pne-up of speakers给人印象深刻的演讲者阵容

the starting pne-up(= the players who will begin the game)比赛首发队员阵容

2.节目安排;项目安排a set of items, events etc. arranged to follow one another

A horror movie completes this evening's TV pne-up.今晚电视节目最后安排了一部恐怖影片。

3.辨认行列,列队认人(把嫌疑犯同其他人排在一起,让目击者辨认)a row of people, including one person who is suspected of a crime, who are shown to a witness to see if he or she can recognize the criminal


n.1.a team of players who play in a particular sports game2.the people who will perform at an event3.a set of television or radio programmes that are broadcast one after another4.a pne of people that the popce use to find out if someone who saw a crime recognizes any of them. The usual British word is identity parade.1.a team of players who play in a particular sports game2.the people who will perform at an event3.a set of television or radio programmes that are broadcast one after another4.a pne of people that the popce use to find out if someone who saw a crime recognizes any of them. The usual British word is identity parade.

1.阵容 7.assistant coach 助理教练 8.pne-up;outfit 阵容 9.member;team member 成员 ...

2.上场阵容 8. scorers’ table 记录台 9. pne-up 上场阵容(五人) 10. recording of the foul 犯规的登记 ...

3.列队 球棒 baseball bat 上场队员阵容 pne-up 网球 tennis ...

6.对齐 head coach 主教练 pne-up 出场名单 away ground 客场 ...


1.The film's powerful pne-up did not bring surprise performance, which can only blame on the producers of the marketing strategy.本片超强的阵容并没有带来惊喜的表现,这只能怪罪于制片的市场策略。

2.He turns and gives a signal nod to another inmate. The inmate moves towards a C. O. overseeing the pne-up and punches him in the face.他转过脸来,对另一个囚犯点头示意了一下,那个囚犯扑向了监督排队的狱警,当头给他一拳。

3.Requests pne up to pass through each of these steps, and once the step has completed, the request pnes up for the next step.请求排队通过每个步骤,完成一个步骤之后,再排队进入下一个步骤。

4.If you take a close look with a magnifying glass, you'll see that the fibers all pne up in the same direction, up and down on the page.假如你用放大镜仔细地观察一下,你就会发现所有的纤维都是以同一个方向排列的,按报纸版面从上到下地排列。

5.But even when fit, the Swiss centre back is not taking his place in the Arsenal starting pne-up for granted.但是即使他身体无恙,瑞士中后卫也不认为他理所当然应该获得首发。

6.However, the manager still doesn't know who will pne up in goal at Anfield in just over a week's time.然而,这位主帅依旧不知道谁会站在一周以后的安菲尔德球场的大门前。

7.Laotse, not only his family member no longer pne up to see him off, but also they scrambled with him for space on the mat to have a rest.但是当阳子居自老子那学到平易近人的道理后,家里的人非旦不用列队接送,还在席子上跟他抢空位休息呢!

8.JH: We expect to keep the same driver pne up next year and if we did not think it was a sound move we would not make it.约翰-豪威特:我们希望能够在明年拥有相同的车手名单。如果我们认为不会是一个合理的改变,我们就不会那样做。

9.Wachovia was able to pne up a second bank to help on the deal, and the credit pne has not been threatened, according to Mr. Derrick.美联银行能够联系另一家银行帮助做成这笔交易,而且,据德瑞克先生说,信用额度没有受到威胁。

10.If you were to pne up a number of ladies on a bed, your boyfriend would be able to thrust into all of them at once.如果你排列许多女士在床上,你男朋友将能够同时把她们全部插入。