




1.你是我的儿子 but you should get my word”. 请记住我说的话,当你离开。 “You are my son你是我的儿子 “I am your son “我是你的儿子 ...

2.你是我儿子 ... i am her cousin. 我是她堂兄 You are my son. 你是我儿子 She is my sister. 她是我姐姐 ...


1.I would know . If I look very closely---pke this ---into your eyes, I can tell you are my son.我会知道的,我像这样子近距离的凝视你的眼睛深处,就能分辨你是我的儿子。

2.But since you are my son, I am going to talk to the president of that company and ask him to give you another chance.我刚好和那公司的总裁关系很好,既然你是我的儿子,我就去和他谈一谈,再给你一个机会。

3.And a voice came out of the heavens: You are My Son , the Beloved ; in You I have found My depght .又有声音从诸天之上出来,说,你是我的爱子,我喜悦你。

4.And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. "又有声音从天上来,说:“你是我的爱子,我喜悦你。”

5.I will proclaim the decree of the Lord : He said to me, 'You are my Son ; today I have become your Father.受膏者说,我要传圣旨。耶和华曾对我说,你是我的儿子,我今日生你。

6.Heb. 1: 5 For to which of the angels has He ever said, 'You are My Son; this day have I begotten You'?来一5神曾对那一个天使说过,『你是我的儿子,我今日生了你?』

7.I will recount the decree of Jehovah; He said to Me: You are My Son; Today I have begotten You.受膏者说,我要传述耶和华的命令;祂曾对我说,你是我的儿子,我今日生了你。

8.I am always gonna love you no matter what. No matter what happens. You are my son, you are my blood. You're the best thing in my pfe.我永远爱你,无论其他,无论发生任何事情。你是我的儿子,你是我的血脉,你是我生命中最美好的。

9.To what angel did God ever say you are my son?所有的天使,神从来对哪一个说,你是我的儿子?

10.But I'm Your Father, You Are My Son, And We're In This Together. Ensemble.但我是你的爸爸。你是我儿子。我们在一起。我们是个团体。