




1.华诞 华靡[ luxurious and gorgeous] 华诞[ (term of respect) your birthday] I——independence( 独立); ...

2.你的生日 the third of March 三月三日 your birthday 你的生日 blow out 吹灭 ...

3.称对方生日的敬辞 ... [the Hans] 华夏族的后裔,指汉族 [(term of respect) your birthday] 称对方生日的敬辞 ...

4.出生日期 ... "Your email here" 电子邮件", "Your birthday" 出生日期", "Citizen Avatar" 公民头像", ...

5.您的生日 gender 性别 Your birthday 您的生日 Cell Phone 移动电话 ...

6.国庆献礼 老北京的痕迹 trace of the city 国庆献礼Your birthday 我爱北京天安门! name of Chi…

7.您的出生日期 Your Name 您的姓名: Your Birthday 您的出生日期: Your Telphone Number 您的白天连络电话: ...


1.I would have come to your birthday party last Sunday (if I hadn't been out on business).上个星期天(如果我没有出差),我就来参加你的生日晚会了。

2.I consider it a great honour to be invited to your birthday party.我认为能被邀请参加你的生日聚会是自己很大的荣幸。

3."Hey, kids. " He grinned at me. "I thought you'd pke a break from cooking and washing dishes for your birthday. Hungry? "“你们好,孩子们,”他咧嘴冲我笑,“我想你也不愿在生日这天做饭洗碗吧。饿了吗?”

4.I am sorry that your mother is not there for your Birthday, but I do know that she would want you to be happy on your Birthday.我很遗憾你的生日你母亲无法陪你度过,但是我知道她也想要你生日快乐。

5.Should be here soon. - For your birthday gifts? You know you're only getting a couple of things, right?你知道只能要几个礼物,对吧?

6.I always send gifts for your birthday and all the hopdays. It bugs me that you never thank me personally.我常在你生日和每个假日送些礼物。让我恼火的是你从不亲口感谢。

7.How about this one? Apttle bird told me it's your birthday on Saturday. Let me take you up in myplane.这个怎么样?有只小鸟告诉我,周六是你的生日。到我飞机上庆祝吧。

8.I mean, he proposed to me while he was still seeing you. . . He was gonna break-up with you on your birthday?我是说,他向我求婚的时候甚至还跟你在一起……他居然想在你生日的时候跟你分手?

9.I regret that I shall not be able to come to your birthday party this evening.我对今晚不能参加你的生日晚会感到遗憾。

10.Two years ago, remember your birthday, but now the first birthday without my blessing, do not know if you've still okay?两年前,记得你的生日,但现在没有我的祝福第一个生日,不知道你是否还好吗?