




1.你的骑士 ... In sincere love and a thousand kisses 真诚的爱及千百个吻 Your Knight 你的骑士 Walter George 人名:温特,乔治 ...


1.I'm a man, and I really wanna be your knight, to protect you and to be the home of your soul.我是个男人,我真的希望成为你的武士,来保护你并成为你心灵的归宿。

2.Be my queen and mate me with your knight moves.做我的王后,让我们一起棋逢对手。

3.I take a vow here, would pke to melt and become your knight of Temple of God, whole pfe of defending you.我在此立下誓言,愿意化做你的圣殿骑士,守护你一生一世

4.I am wilpng to be your knight , for the rest of my pfe.我愿将我的一生奉献于你,做你的骑士。

5.lady, i'm your knight in shining amour, and i love you.美人,我是金甲骑士,深爱着你。

6.Oh girl, I am not your knight or prince. I can not warm your heart. I am just a gust of wind, even you can not hear me.哦,女孩,我不是你的王子和骑士。我不能温暖你的心。我只是一阵强风,甚至你都感觉不到我。

7.Rachel, ready or not, here comes your knight in shining瑞秋,准备好你的白马王子来了

8.Lady, Im your knight in shining armor and I love you宝贝。我如此爱你。在阳光散满的角落。

9.Lady, I'm your knight in shining armor我是你身裹光彩夺目盔甲的骑士

10.I was your knight, holding you tight我是你的骑士,紧紧保护着你