


网络释义:体系结构权衡分析方法(Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method);Architectural Tradeoff Analysis Method;权衡分析法


1.体系结构权衡分析方法(Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method)容 体系结构评估概述 软件体系结构评估的主要方式 体系结构权衡分析方法 (ATAM) 基于成本的分析方法(CBAM) 体系结构评 …

2.Architectural Tradeoff Analysis Method ... ) ATAM 体系结构评估分析方法 ) architecture analysis method 体系结构分析方法 ...


1.Reporting, which involves presenting the results of the ATAM.报告,包括表述ATAM的结果。

2.Following are the steps in the ATAM evaluation process.下面是ATAM评估过程的步骤。

3.Academically , the time to use ATAM is right after the architecture has been specified when there is pttle or no code .学术上说,应该在体系结构确定之后使用ATAM,此时没有或者仅有少量的代码。

4.Each ATAM team consists of a leader and at least three other team members每个ATAM组有一个组长和至少三个组员

5.ATAM will not work if the software architecture has not been created yet如果体系结构还没有被建立,那么ATAM毫无用武之地

6.Results of the BCS ATAM Greatly improved architectural documentation极大地改善了体系结构文档

7.ATAM team members will review architectural artifacts, and may help refine documentationATAM组将评估体系结构,并帮助改善文档

8.ATAM team members must be experienced architectsATAM组员必须是经验丰富的架构师