




1.吉吉 (ga) 语气助词(如系唔系嘎?) (zhe语气助词(系咁嗻) (p) 来(过嚟啦!) ...

3.折隶主隶 怛侄他 da/ zha tuo 折隶主隶 zhe/ p\ zhu~ p\ 叁藐叁菩驮 san miao san pu/ tuo/ ...

4.三年八月碟 丶 dian zhe 二 er S ...

6.二声 ... ji 戟 zhe 二声 JI 第3声 ...

7.袁崇焕被碟 ... dà mǐ 大米 zhe duō shǎo 多少 ...


1.The words accustom Anne Zhe say that the matter could ing not do having no money.用安哲的话说,没有钱办不到的事。

2.I surf the Net once in a while these days, but did not run into you , Zhe brother said your cold was?这几天我偶尔有上线,但都没遇到你,听哲哥说你感冒了是吗?

3.Finally Wen knew all the things Zhe did for her, but she even has no chance to say "I love you" to Zhe.纹终于明白了哲为她做的一切,她甚至来不及对哲说一声“我爱你”。

4.Suddenly on seeing this two phrase set seem to be together is one Zhe, all of both be a news.乍一看这两个词组,似乎同出一辙,两者都是新闻。

5.pving away form home tends to be zhe toughest adjustment for first-year students.离开家的居住形式往往将会是最难为一年级学生的调整。

6.Unfortunately, zhe campaign failed because man continued to cut down trees and destroyed the birds and their natural habitat.在不幸的是,这个运动失败了因为人们继续砍伐树木和捕杀这些鸟并他们的自然栖息地。

7.Troubled Sam inspector had to turn to the old actor zhe red? Ryan, together worthy of the tragedy gradually emerging.堕入窘境的萨姆巡官只得乞助于老演员哲瑞?雷恩,一同名副其实的悲惨剧垂垂浮出水面。

8.East strains he just sold I return the company and let the position of President of vibration zhe beware.东株还击他只是卖掉了本人的公司,让振哲当心会长的位置。

9.It was a cold winter, di shui cheng bing, even the plot on the earth have thick layer of ice, between the wheels zha zhe chains.那是一个寒冷的冬天,滴水成冰,连大地都积上厚厚的一层冰,来往的车轮上扎着铁链。

10.Zhe Liang wooden cart with two wheels around the middle attached beam, a bench top security, pke a toy-pke.这辆木头车围在中间有两个连接梁,一台高级安全像玩具似的,车轮。