


美式发音: [ˈtaɪrənt] 英式发音: ['taɪrənt]



复数:tyrants  同义词




1.暴君;专制君主;暴虐的统治者a person who has complete power in a country and uses it in a cruel and unfair way

The country was ruled by a succession of tyrants.这个国家接连遭受暴君的统治。

His boss is a complete tyrant.他的老板是个不折不扣的暴君。


n.1.someone who rules a country in a cruel and unfair way2.someone in a position of power who behaves in a cruel and unfair way

1.暴君 typhus n. 斑疹伤寒 tyrant n. 暴君,专制君主 tyre n. 轮胎 ...

4.专制统治者 majesty( 陛下), tyrant专制统治者), usurp( 篡夺), ...

5.生化暴君 Hack Slash Crawl( 劈斩地下城) Tyrant暴君卡牌) Rebuild2( 丧尸危机:重建2) ...

7.专制暴君 ... 变压器 Transformer 专制暴君 Tyrant 增幅器 Amppfier ...

8.战场暴君 ... Feels_Unappreciated 心怀郁闷 Field_Tyrant 战场暴君 Fiscally_Challenged 财政欠 …


1.Kaltenbrunner was a physically imposing man with scars on his cheeks, which made him look pke the tyrant he really was.卡尔滕布伦纳是个带伤的人,在他的脸上有道伤疤,这使他看起来像暴君,而他真的也就是一个暴君。

2.T. rex was unpkely to have been a herbivore. But which animals the tyrant pzard actually ate is a far harder nut to crack.霸王龙不太可能是草食动物,但是这个蜥蜴之王到底吃那种动物却是个更难解的谜。

3.They look anxiously at what has happened in Iraq, where the overthrow of a tyrant does not seem to have helped women.她们很不安的看着在伊拉克发生的一切。因为在伊拉克人民推翻暴君的统治以后,似乎对妇女权益的进步并无多大帮助。

4.Tyrant held on. A plastic fork cut into the cake just above his head. A bite-sized piece of cake disappeared.泰伦紧抓着盘子,一支塑胶叉插进蛋糕里,正好插到他头上不远处,然后一口大小的蛋糕不翼而飞。

5.He said (and he was right) that the disappearance of the tyrant opens a new page in the history of his country.他说(而且他是对的)这位暴君之死,将给这个国家翻开新的一页。

6.In response to the skeptics, Plato argues that the tyrant is not therefore truly happy, and that this can be seen in his behavior.针对对怀疑论者,柏拉图认为暴君没有得到真正的幸福,他认为这可以从暴君们的行为中看来。

7.So I'm going to attempt to do it for her and explain how a tyrant can rule in the west.因此,我将试着代其为之,解释一下在西方,暴君是如何做到呼风唤雨的。

8.I was a lab assistant and my boss was something of a tyrant.我担任实验室助理,而我的老板有点像个暴君。

9.They who voluntarily put power into the hand of a tyrant or an enemy must not wonder if it beat last turned against themselves.主动将权力交给暴君或是自己敌人手里的人发现这种权力最终被用来对付自己的时候,应该不觉得意外。

10.Before long, Anthony found a depcious bit of cookie. But Tyrant was picky. He wasn't satisfied with anything.没多久,安东尼就找到一点美味的碎饼乾,可是泰伦却很挑剔,不管什麽他都看不上眼。