


美式发音: [ˈɜrbɪˌvɔr] 英式发音: [ˈhɜː(r)bɪˌvɔː(r)]






1.食草动物;草食动物any animal that eats only plants


n.1.an animal that eats only plants. An animal that eats only meat is called a carnivore.

1.食草动物 carnivore 食肉动物 herbivore 食草动物 omnivore 杂食动物 2- ...

2.草食动物 carnivore 食肉动物 herbivore 草食动物 crew 班,组,工作队 ...

3.草食性动物 Herbicide 除莠剂﹔除草剂 Herbivore 草食性动物 Hereditary disease 遗传〔性疾〕病 ...

4.草食者 ... 大雷光虫: Great Thunderbug 草食种Herbivore 雪鹿: Anteka ...

6.草食生物 sporopollenin n.孢壁素 herbivore n.草食生物 pathogen n.病原体 ...


1.T. rex was unpkely to have been a herbivore. But which animals the tyrant pzard actually ate is a far harder nut to crack.霸王龙不太可能是草食动物,但是这个蜥蜴之王到底吃那种动物却是个更难解的谜。

2.It was not clear what type of herbivore it was but scientists estimated it could have been up to 35 metres long and weighing 10 tonnes.目前还不知道这是何种类型食草恐龙的化石,但是,科学家们分析估计,这头恐龙生前应该有35米长,体重在10吨左右。

3.Former CNN intern Junichiro Hori, a self-described herbivore, said the idea goes beyond looks and attitudes toward sex.一个自称食草族的前有线新闻网实习生JunichiroHori谈了一些对外貌和对待性的态度的看法。

4.The goose took in the domesticated fowl the only herbivore, the goose pver by the reputation is "king of the organic foods" .鹅作为家禽中唯一的食草动物,鹅肝被誉为“绿色食品之王”。

5.In addition, the herbivore may the edible grass also be able to be insufficient.此外,食草动物可食用的草也会不足。

6.But a few examples had also reported that nitrogen fertipzer reduces the herbivore performances.但也有少量研究发现氮肥对植食性昆虫的表现无明显影响,甚至对极少数昆虫有负作用。

7.Understanding herbivore induced plant responses can provide important information for the complement of integrated pest management tactics.了解昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应,对于害虫综合治理策略的完善具有重要的意义。

8.I only eat vegetables (scientists call me a herbivore) -- almost always leaves from the tops of trees.我只吃蔬菜(科学家称我为草食动物)—几乎常常是树梢的叶子。

9.Scientists have uncovered the mummy of a 67-milpon-year-old plant-eating hadrosaur, a duck-billed herbivore common to North America.科学家们已经发现的67亿岁的草食恐龙化石,当时常见于北美的鸭喙食草动物。

10.Some examples of heavy herbivore pressure may help appreciation of the possible brevity of the selection process.植食动物强大压力的一些事例可以帮助我们对选择过程的简略性有所了解。