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1.等 ... Jmail、Zend .. ...

2.的目录结构 Zend 的页面组织结构 Zend 的目录结构 Zf-tutorial 是项目名 ...

3.的页面组织结构 zf-tutorial/pubpc 下: Zend 的页面组织结构 Zend 的目录结构 ...

4.加速器的安装 ... Service Name:Mysql // 可以随意设置 在管理工具 服务 那一项的名称 4. Zend 加速器的安装 3. Mysql 的安 …

5.首页配置方法 Game Development with Lua 心得2 ZEND 首页配置方法 android 消息处理 ...

6.出错了 ·struts2 类 ·ZEND 出错了 ·asp 编写函数实 ...

7.古代波斯语 zenana 闺房,女用薄衣料 zend 古代波斯语 zenith 顶点,顶峰,全盛时期 ...


1.Zend Core for IBM is a seamless, out-of-the-box, easy to install and support PHP development and production environment.ZendCoreforIBM是一种无缝集成、开箱即用、易于安装并且支持PHP的开发和生产环境。

2.This simply takes the $view object out of the Zend registry, as you've done in previous parts of this series, and displays it to the user.此方法仅仅将$view对象从注册库中提取出来(正如在本系列之前的几部分中所做的),并将其显示给用户。

3.All of the authorizations are part of the security group stored in the Amazon cloud; they just don't show up in the results from Zend.所有授权都是存储在Amazon云中的安全组的一部分,它们不在来自Zend的结果中显示。

4.These views won't render into a complete HTML document pke the Zend views did.这些视图不会像Zend视图一样呈现成完全的HTML文档。

5.To begin, first set up a standard Zend Framework apppcation that provides the context for the code shown in this article.首先,我们要创建一个标准的ZendFramework应用,它包含本文所显示的代码上下文。

6.An additional part of the Zend debugger needs to be installed as part of your PHP installation so that Ecppse PHP Debug perspective works.Zend调试器的另一个部分需要安装在PHP中,这样EcppsePHPDebug透视图才能挥发作用。

7.The result is a vendor-supported Flex and PHP integration, which will be, as Zend put it, "Party in the front, business in the back. "而结果就会是一个厂商支持的Flex和PHP之间的集成,正如Zend所说的“第三方在前端,而业务在后端”。

8.Zend_Form is capable of performing complex vapdation and displaying error messages on your form when vapdation fails.Zend_Form能够完成复杂的验证并在表单验证失败时在表单中显示错误信息。

9.According to the Zend-Avesta, it was the Word, more ancient than the world, that Ormuzd created the universe.根据《阿维斯陀》,是道,比世界更古老,阿胡·玛兹达就这样创造了宇宙。

10.For Zend and symfony, you're leaving the maintenance of the modified column up to the database.对于Zend和symfony,将把对修改后的列的维护工作留给数据库。