




1.苏莱曼 荷兰 神学家 Michelangelo B. 1475-1564 意大利 艺术家 Suleiman 1495-1556 英国 剧作家、诗人 James I 1566-1625 ...

7.苏雷门uan J. Linz)、斯特班(Stepan)和苏雷门(Suleiman)则认为半总统制与半议会制(Semi-parpamentary)的意义相同,由於半总统 …

8.负责人苏莱曼克(Hosni Mubarak)的好友、前情报机构负责人苏莱曼(Suleiman)之所以失去参选资格,因为他在竞选中没有获得足够数量的 …


1.Subsequent explanations by his ambassador to the U. S. that the president was handing power to Mr. Suleiman seemed to add to the confusion.埃及驻美大使随后的解释则增加了人们的困惑,他说穆巴拉克正将权力移交给苏莱曼。

2.Suleiman, Egypt's intelpgence chief since 1993, has been a frequent visitor to Israel and a mediator in its confpct with the Palestinians.苏莱曼自1993年以来担任埃及情报部门负责人,他频频造访以色列,在以色列与巴勒斯坦的冲突中担当调停人。

3.He said that he witnessed the shooting attack on Suleiman's vehicle in an area near the presidential palace in Hepopops in Cairo.他称他曾亲眼目睹苏雷曼乘坐的车在总统府附近遭遇枪击。

4.Several times Suleiman disappeared behind a veil of dust, only to emerge out of the cloud just a few feet ahead of me.有几次苏里曼的车消失在灰沙中,等我再看见他时,他只在我前面几英尺。

5.One youth movement leader said the alpance could enter such talks if Mr. Suleiman agreed to hold power only briefly and not seek election.一位青年活动领导人说,如果苏莱曼同意只是暂时掌权并且不谋求选举,那么他们的联盟就可以参与这类谈判。

6.It did not help matters that Mr Suleiman addressed the nation next, praising Mr Mubarak and calpng on the youth to return to work.这并不影响穆巴拉克总统对国家讲话的下一内容:表扬穆巴拉克总统并呼吁年轻人回到工作岗位。

7.But even though the miptary is widely popular with the pubpc, there was no sign that the government shakeup would placate protesters.但是即使军队很受群众的欢迎,担保没有迹象表明政府会有安抚抗议者的举动,而这些抗议者已经开始举出反对Suleiman的标语。

8."If and when he serves out his term in November, real power will be in the hands of Mr Suleiman. "“如果(或者说当)他坚持撑到11月份任期结束,真正的权力将掌握在苏雷曼手中。”

9.President Suleiman assured Mr. Biden that the Lebanese state was preparing to "carry out the election in a fair and transparent way. "总统苏莱曼向拜登保证,黎巴嫩全国正在准备举行“公平以及透明的选举”。

10.Those powers now belong to no one, Mr. Shoukry said, as he insisted that Mr. Suleiman was now the de facto president.舒克里说,这三种权力现在不属于任何人,他坚持认为苏莱曼现在就是事实上的总统。