




1.亚历山卓搞在一起。妮妮则是吸引到一位外国王子亚历桑德 (Alexandre) 的注意,但妮妮已渐渐地爱上个性温和的昂黎˙冬格拉──即使 …

7.巴西 ... Andriy 乌克兰 Alexandre 巴西 Marina 2013年5月12日 ...


1.Alexandre Dumas was the grandson of a French marquis and a beautiful Caribbean creole of mixed French and African descent.大仲马是法国侯爵和一个美丽的混合法语和克里奥尔语非裔加勒比孙子。

2.Margaret ( Margo ) was a real person, author Alexandre Dumas, fall in love with her, finally left her. Miss, just write down this tragedy.玛格丽特(玛歌)是一个真实的人,作者小仲马爱上她,最后离开她。因为怀念,才写下这个悲剧。

3.ALEXANDRE PATO: "I'm really happy because we won. It was a difficult game because Lazio is a strong team with great players. "非常开心,因为米兰赢球了,这场比赛不好打,拉齐奥是一支有着优秀配置的强队。

4.Growing up in Pereyaslovka, Siberia, Alexandre Moskalenko pved across the street from a trampopne coach.亚历山大•莫斯卡伦科在俄罗斯的西伯利亚长大,并成为一名蹦床教练。

5.The bank's governor, Alexandre Tombini, is closer to the finance ministry than was his predecessor, Henrique Meirelles.比起他的前任恩里克?梅里莱斯,央行行长亚历山大?托姆比尼更贴近财政部。

6.As censorship ended and the country enjoyed an expanding economy, it was a good time for Alexandre to be a writer.由于检查结束,该国享有的经济扩张,这是一个好时机亚历山大是一个作家。

7.CFO Alexandre de Rochefort says, "When you look at [videogames] it's not as if the industry is creating new genres every week. "首席财务官亚历山大•德•罗切弗特表示:“看看视频游戏业,它似乎并不是每星期都在推出新款游戏。”

8.In his last days he was supported by his illegitimate son, the author Alexandre Dumas the Younger.在生命的后期,他主要依靠私生子--小仲马资助生活。

9.Internacional striker Alexandre Pato is set to decide his future within the next week.国际队前锋亚历山大-帕托将在下周决定自己的未来。

10.Ancelotti usually favours a Christmas Tree formation, but opted for a trident with Kaka supporting Alexandre Pato and Pippo Inzaghi.安切洛蒂通常喜欢用圣诞树阵型,但是今晚选择了卡卡支援帕托和因扎吉的三叉戟。