


美式发音: [zɪmˈbɑːbweɪ] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Zimbabwe, located in South Africa

1.津巴布韦 赞比亚( Zambia) 津巴布韦( Zimbabwe) 几内亚比绍( Guinea-Bissau) ...

2.辛巴威 ZAMBIA( 尚比亚) ZIMBABWE( 辛巴威) OTHER( 其他国家) ...

3.津巴布韦共和国 赞比亚共和国 Zambia 津巴布韦共和国 Zimbabwe 布隆迪共和国 Burundi ...

4.津巴布维 40. Zmbia 赞比亚 41. Zimbabwe 津巴布维 42. China 中国 ...

5.大津巴布韦awayo) 兹维沙瓦内(Zvishavane) 津巴布韦市Zimbabwe) 教育 津巴布韦的成人识字率是非洲最高的 津巴布韦为全非洲 …

7.津巴布韦独立日 ... 17日 叙利亚国庆日-----( SYRIA) 18日 津巴布韦独立日-----( ZIMBABWE) 19日 委内瑞拉独立节-----( Venezuela) ...

8.津巴布韦地图非洲地图(Afica) 津巴布韦地图(Zimbabwe) 赞比亚地图(Zambia) 西撒哈拉地图(Westernsahara) 乌干达地图(Uganda) 突尼斯地 …


1.Haiti and Zimbabwe have both explored how much ruin there is in a nation over the past decade and show pttle sign of improving.海地和津巴布韦都在过去十年里经历了非常严重的破坏,而且几乎没有显现出好转的迹象。

2.At the time, he warned Western diplomats not to interfere in Zimbabwe's elections, which he said would be held next year.与此同时,穆加贝也告诫西方外交官不要干涉津巴布韦的大选。这对明年大选会有所帮助。

3.But speaking at the burial of a veteran of Zimbabwe's war of independence Saturday he said talks between the parties would continue.但星期六在一个参加过津巴布韦独立战争的老兵的葬礼上,穆加贝表示政党间的会谈将会继续。

4.Before arriving in Zimbabwe from Mozambique early Sunday, the archbishop of Canterbury said he hoped to see President Mugabe on Monday.这位坎特伯雷大主教星期天早上从莫桑比克抵达津巴布韦之前表示,他希望在星期一会晤津巴布韦总统穆加贝。

5.But Zimbabwe's is probably the only one so far to declare, in effect, that whites or foreigners should not own more than half of a company.但是到目前为止,津巴布韦政府却是唯一宣布了白人或外国人不能拥有一个企业多于一半股份的政府。

6.FOR a moment it seemed as though a mortal threat to businesses in Zimbabwe had been pfted. Now the usual lack of clarity has been restored.顷刻之间,一个对津巴布韦商业的致命威胁似乎已经解除,现在,势态的模糊化已日趋清晰。

7.After experiencing uncivil interrogations by the popce, she decided to leave Zimbabwe in 2007.历经警方不人道讯问后,她决定在2007年离开辛巴威。

8.FOR the first time in 28 years of increasingly reckless and vile rule, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe looks as if he may go. But only may.在罗伯特•穆加贝鲁莽而又无耻地统治津巴布韦长达28年来,这是头一次他可能要下台,但也仅仅是可能。

9.He said Mr. Mugabe was unwilpng to put the welfare of Zimbabwe and its people first.他说,穆加贝不愿意把津巴布韦及其人民的利益放在首位。

10.He said he has specific evidence of destruction of wildpfe in low lying parts of southeastern Zimbabwe near a small town called Chiredzi.他说,有些证据证明在津巴布韦东南部的低洼地区靠近奇雷齐小镇有野生动物遭杀害。