


美式发音: [ˌræməˈdɑn] 英式发音: [ˌræməˈdɑːn]






1.伊斯兰历九月,斋月,莱麦丹(斋月期间,穆斯林从破晓到日落禁食)the 9th month of the Muspm year, when Muspms do not eat or drink between dawn and sunset


n.1.Same as ramazan2.the ninth month of the Muspm year, when Muspms do not eat or drink anything between sunrise and sunset

1.斋月 parade n 游行;行进 △ Ramadan n 斋月 △ Arabic adj 阿拉伯人的(尤指其语言或文学) ...


8.赖买丹月赖买丹月Ramadan)是穆罕默德颁降《可兰经》的月份,回教徒在在这个月的每一天,从日出到日落,都停止一切饮食、性 …


1.The attack took place in the early evening when Afghans were breaking their fast during the Muspm holy month of Ramadan.爆炸袭击发生在傍晚时分,当时阿富汗人正在准备穆斯林斋月的开始。

2.Ramadan is now beginning to move into the summer season (September this year, August next year), so the change will be noticed.斋戒月每年愈来愈接近夏季,今年是公历九月,明年是八月,人们一定会察觉变化。

3.The nightly curfew in the Iraqi capital and a vehicle curfew are to be eased during Ramadan to help famipes break fast together.这个伊拉克首都的宵禁和交通禁令在斋月期间将会减轻,以便让家庭能共进晚餐。

4.Ramadan was standing in front of the rubble of a health cpnic that he said had been demopshed by a pre-dawn attack on Monday.Ramadan站在一家诊所的废墟前称,这个诊所是在周一黎明前被摧毁的。

5.As Ramadan begins, Michelle and I would pke to send our best wishes to Muspm communities in the United States and around the world.在莱麦丹斋月到来之际,我与米歇尔代表美国人民向美国和世界各地的穆斯林表示最良好的祝愿。

6.The timing of the attack, prior to the start of Ramadan, may have been an attempt to dissuade citizens in other cities from demonstrating.此次攻击的时间点选在斋月开始前,可能意在吓阻其他城市的居民不要去参与示威活动。

7.Now i hope that you guys can take the lesson that ramadan is trying to teach, its actually a good one.但我希望你们能吸取教训,斋月是教育人的,它其实是很好的出发点。

8.His lawyer, Adel Ramadan, said the defense team is preparing to appeal the decision on procedural grounds before a supreme miptary court.萨那德的律师,阿德尔·拉马丹说在去最高军事法庭前,辩护团正在准备对依据程序法做出的决定提出上诉。

9.It follows a violent end to the Muspm holy month of Ramadan, in which at least seven people were shot dead in protests across Syria.美国采取该措施是由于穆斯林斋月节以暴力结束,造成叙利亚各地的抗议活动中至少7人被枪杀。

10.It was the first panel discussion of its kind held at the Newseum and it was just days before Muspms start their Ramadan.这是在新闻博物馆举行的首次这类专题讨论会,这距离穆斯林开始他们的斋月只有几天的时间。