

walk across the street

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1.Just walk across the street and go around the corner on Green Road. Walk one block east, take a right at 20th, then walk about half a block.你只要横过马路,在格林大道拐角处绕过去向东走一个街区,在第二十街往右拐,然后大约走半个街区。

2.Miss Li: I'm afraid you are going in the opposite direction. Walk across the street. And you can take the subway at the corner on the right.你恐怕在向反方向走了。过马路,你可以在右手街角处坐地铁去那里。

3.11 a. m. - Walk across the street to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. It's the building with the large dinosaur out front.上午11点--沿街走到卡内基自然历史博物馆(CarnegieMuseumofNaturalHistory),馆前有一个巨大的恐龙像。

4.Would my customers walk across the street to make their soda purchase?我的客户是不是会因此去买马路对面的汽水呢?

5.Always look carefully before you walk across the street.总是神情小心地以前你横跨街道的散步。

6.The teacher spoke in praise of the student who helped the old man walk across the street.老师表扬了那位帮助老人过马路的学生。

7.Don't walk across the street, it's safer to take the underpass.不要穿越马路,从地下道走比较安全。

8.C. The correct way to cross the road is to walk across the street quickly.正确的过马路的方法是快过。

9.I warned the boys not to walk across the street when the red pght is on.我警告那些男孩子在红灯亮的时候不要横穿街道。

10.30am: Walk across the street to my writing studio.30:走到街对面的工作室上班。