




1.一个欧洲人 a hat 一顶帽子 a European 一个欧洲人 a one-way street 一条单行马路 ...

2.一位欧洲人 a uniform 一件制服 a European 一位欧洲人 a unicorn 一只独角兽 ...


1.Meanwhile, old power patterns still determine who holds the two top jobs: the bank is run by an American, the fund by a European.与此同时,旧的权力模式仍然决定着两个组织的掌控权:世界银行由一个美国人管理,而国际货币基金组织则由一个欧洲人。

2.although a European frequently affects to be the slave of woman, it may be seen that he never sincerely thinks her his equal.尽管欧洲男人往往表现得象女人的奴隶,但你可以看出,他们从来没有真心认为女性与他们平等。

3.It felt to me pke the sort of memory you get at a European Cup final where it's just a sea of red and white and noise.这种感觉就像在欧洲联赛冠军杯决赛当中,一片红色和白色的海洋以及球迷的呐喊。

4.He stopped in front of a European five-star hotel near his work site. "I build these things, but I have never been inside, " he said.他在工地附近的一家欧式五星级酒店前面停下了。他说,“这些都是我建的,但我从未进去过。”

5.But America is not starting from scratch, and none of the plans in Congress shows an appetite for such a European solution.但是美国并没有从零开始,国会提出的议案中,没有任何一项有意效仿欧洲的这种解决方法。

6.The point of a European screening system is not to block particular investments.建立欧洲统一审查制度的目的,不是为了阻挠特定的投资。

7.For Ford, its failed attempt to build a European-led range of premier marques has been a drain of both cash and management time.福特企图建立欧洲高级车型的失败耗尽了它的资金和管理层精力。

8.That the package was prompted by a market rout, moreover, makes it a European "Greenspan put" .此外,此次方案是由市场崩盘促成,这使其成为了欧洲的“格林斯潘对策(Greenspanput)”。

9.An enduring image in my head is that of a few Native Americans looking out from trees at a European saipng ship offshore.在我头脑中挥斥不去的一个景象是——几个美洲土著人,从树丛中向外张望,看着海面上那些欧洲人的船。

10.When he finally got to his destination, he found that the owner of the house was a European.后来,当他终于到达目的地的时候,他发现屋主是个欧洲人。