




1.一双筷子 have some juice 喝点果汁 a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子 What would you pke? 你要什么? ...

2.一副筷子 a glass 一个玻璃杯 a pair of chopsticks 一副筷子% Arice 米饭 ...

3.一双快子 14 buy fruit 买水果 1 a pair of chopsticks 一双快子.. 2 big and bright 又大又明亮 ...

4.一双筷子是 一双筷子1. a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子是1. a pair of chopsticks 桌上筷子又一双1. with chopsticks on the table ...


1.She looked wistfully in the hands of chopsticks, she said, as I love the hands of a pair of chopsticks.她若有所思地看了看手中的筷子,她说,爱情就像我手中的这双筷子。

2.By the way, could you bring me a pair of chopsticks , ( some napkins, some more tea, a spoon, ) please?顺便,请给我拿双筷子(些餐巾纸,一些茶水,一个勺子)吗?

3.Chopsticks is a man, a woman is a chopsticks, two chopstick grip yuan together, as a pair of chopsticks, and that is love.男人是一根筷子,女人是一根筷子,两根筷子有缘握在一起,成为一双筷子,那就是爱情。

4.It costs less than a penny to make a pair of chopsticks, but Lee isn't making any money yet.一双筷子的制造本钱不到一美分,但李载还没赚到钱。

5.God gave you a pair of chopsticks, but you need looking for your bowl by yourself.上帝给了你吃饭的筷子,可饭碗还得自己找。

6.I took a pair of chopsticks, driven, inadequate I use a root chopsticks strong a pick, fell down to the ground.我拿了一双筷子驱赶,力度不够,我用一根筷子用力一挑,摔到地上。

7.A bowl and a pair of chopsticks are all the property he has.一只碗,一双筷子就是他的全部家产。

8.A pair of chopsticks, a pair of cups, meaning pairs, and after marriage for food and drink, free from poverty.一双筷子、一对水杯,意指成双成对和婚后有吃有喝,不受贫穷。

9.I've never seen a wok or a pair of chopsticks in a western restaurant.我从来没有在西餐厅看过一个炒菜锅或一双筷子。

10.I 'd pke a pair of chopsticks .请给我拿双筷子。