




1.狄克这个品牌 的玩具时,孩广不会带有任何负担; :.是迪奇(DICKE),她是个交通玩...... (本文共计3页) [继续阅读本文] 赞

4.狄基 ... 杜瓦 Dewar 狄基 Dicke 笛特瑞其 Dieterici ...


1."We have to eat less meat or find an alternative, " said Dicke, who claims to sit down to a family meal of insects on a regular basis.“我们不得不少吃肉,或者寻找一种替代品,”Dicke说,他呼吁设置定期的家庭昆虫宴。

2.Professor Marcel Dicke, leading a team at Wageningen University, in Holland, is applying for the grant.正在申请这一项目拨款的马塞尔•狄克教授在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学领导一组团队。

3.Offering an alternative, Brans and Dicke suggested that Mach's principle could be satisfied if Newton's constant varied over time and space.但是布兰斯和迪奇提出另外一种看法,他们认为只要牛顿常数不是真正的常数,而是在时空中可以变化的值,则马赫原理就可以成立。

4.We assume the atoms in the Dicke model are resonant with the cavity field.我们假设这个原子系综中的所有原子都与该单模光场共振耦合。

5.The book was written by Dicke .这本书是狄更斯写的。

6.Marcel Dicke: It's all protein.MarcelDicke马赛·狄基:都是蛋白质。

7.The Brans -Dicke and Higgs papers were pubpshed at about the same time in the same journal, Physical Review.布兰斯–迪奇的论文以及希格斯的论文大约在同一时间发表于同一期刊(《物理评论》)。

8.Two-photon spectroscopy and Dicke narrowing of a thin atomic vapor film薄原子蒸汽膜的双光子光谱及Dicke窄化

9.brance dicke scalar tensor theory布兰斯迪克标量张量理沦