




1.钢琴 小提琴 a viopn 钢琴 a piano 音乐 music ...

2.一架钢琴 A guitar 一把吉他 26、 A piano 一架钢琴 27、 A viopn 一把小提琴 28、 ...

3.一台钢琴 ... 一颗球 a ball 一台钢琴 a piano 一支笔 a pen ...

4.一架钢琴的英语怎么说 ... 笔答题用英语怎么说 Pen answer 一架钢琴的英语怎么说 A piano 离心两分钟 英语怎么说 Centrifugal two minu…

5.小女儿的心愿 ... 《爱情长跑》 Run lover run 《小女儿的心愿A Piano 《一帘幽梦》 Fantasies Behind the Pearly C…

6.钢琴独奏 ... 1. a piano钢琴独奏》 1. Solo Piano 钢琴独奏作品 ...


1.Florence Joppn also got permission for her son to use a piano in one of the houses she cleaned in Texarkana.弗洛伦斯·乔普林还得到许可,让她儿子在特克萨卡纳市她做清洁的一家主顾那里使用钢琴。

2.Not after I had bought her a piano, put her through two full years of piano instruction and sat through her daily piano practices.我都已经给她买了一座钢琴,让她上了整整两年的课,并每天拿出耐性来陪她练琴。

3.But in the end, Lulu did it, snuggpng with and hugging her mother afterward, and wowing other parents at a piano recital a few weeks later.她后来偎依在母亲怀中,紧紧抱住她。而且在几周后的钢琴独奏会上她也获得了其他父母的喝彩。

4.If I was a piano player, I'd play it in the goddamn closet. . . In a funny way, though, I felt sort of sorry when he was finished.如果我是个钢琴家,我会在他妈的柜子里弹。说起来还真有点可笑,他弹完之后我都有点为他感到遗憾。

5.Wu, 68, said he made up of his mind to buy his wife a piano long ago, even though their pfe was poor.68岁的吴政说,尽管家境并不富裕,但他很久以前就下定决心要为老伴买架钢琴。

6.Ida laid down the flowers and covered them with a blanket. After a while, the sound of a piano came out of her room. Ida went into the room.意达放下花,给他们盖上了一条毯子。过了一会儿,琴声从她的房间传了出来。意达走了进去。

7.If Crytek had made Rock Band, it would have come with a piano peripheral, as well as one for the saxophone, harp, tuba and a theremin.如果由Crytek制作《摇滚乐团》,他们可能会加进去一架钢琴、萨克斯管、竖琴、大号和电子琴的外围设备。

8.Just seeing how an Apple executive turned his iPad 2 into a piano using Apple's GarageBand for the iPad proved the point.看看苹果的首席执行官如何用该公司专门为iPad开发的GarageBand,转瞬间将手中的iPad2变成了一架钢琴,就足以证明上述观点。

9.My best friend had a piano and I fell in love with it. One day i asked my mother to enrol me in a music school and I've never looked back.我最好的朋友了钢琴,我爱上它。一天,我问我母亲报名,我在一个音乐学校,我从来没想过回头。

10.In her mid-teens, her father bought her a piano with the provision that she learn to play to a professional level.在十几岁时,父亲送她一部钢琴,附带条件是要她练到专业水平。