


美式发音: [ˈmaɪˌlɑr] 英式发音: [ˈmailɑ:]





v.1.a trademark for a thin strong polyester film.

1.聚酯薄膜 供应防火麦拉片、耐 …


6.聚酯类 mydriasis 瞳孔放大 mylar 聚酯树醴 myopia 近视者 ...


1.It was made of aluminiumtubing, Mylar and piano wire, with a weird horizontal stabipser poking fromthe front pke the head of a stork.这个飞行器由铝质管材、聚酯薄膜和钢琴丝制成,前端伸出来一个活象鹳的脑袋的怪异的水平稳定器。

2.The next time the user continues this task, the necessary files can already be opened by Mylar and the UI focussed on these resources.用户在下一次继续这个任务时,必要的文件就可以相应地被Mylyn和这些资源相关的UI预先打开。

3.Push a button on the handle and the static charge built up in the wand causes the included 3D mylar shapes to levitate at your command.推手柄上的按钮和魔杖建立起来的静电荷引起的三维麦拉形状,漂浮在你的命令。

4.Routine comes complete with Andy's handpng, snow storm packs, and professionally hand made metal fan with a mylar cover.例行完整的安迪的处理,暴风雪包,和专业,一方面取得了金属范与聚酯薄膜覆盖。

5.Mylyn helps you work with source repositories by managing change sets for you automatically.Mylar通过自动管理更改集便利了对源存储库的操作。

6.In this two-part article, I introduced you to task-focused programming with Mylyn.在这个由两部分组成的文章中,我介绍了如何用Mylar进行以任务为中心的编程。

7.It is wide, flattened on the top, and covered with silver-colored Mylar, a tough kind of polyester.而且非常宽,顶部扁平,覆盖着银色的聚酯薄膜,这是坚硬聚酯的一种。

8.Mylyn also uses the task context to manage actively the number of open editors related to a task.Mylar也使用任务上下文来动态地管理和任务相关的打开编辑器的数目。

9.Mylyn's interest decorator then uses font coloring to highpght the level of interest each element has accrued from your interaction.Mylar兴趣修饰器随后使用字体着色来高亮显示每个元素从交互中积累的兴趣等级。

10.Get your gift wrap, gift bags, decorative tins, batteries, tablecloths and Mylar balloons, too.这样可以获得你的绸带包装、礼物袋、装饰性的罐头、电池、桌布和气球。