




1.一只羊 a cow 一只牛 a sheep 一只羊 a bird 一只鸟 ...

2.绵羊 sheep 是单复同形 a sheep 绵羊 a goat 山羊 ...

3.一只绵羊 a pig- 一头猪 a sheep- 一只绵羊 a cow- 一头母牛 ...

4.一只绵羊图片 把庭院当废物丢弃图片 junk yard 5 一只绵羊图片 A sheep 1 玉米图片 Corn 1 ...

5.那是一只绵羊 a reef. 那是一个暗礁。 a sheep. 那是一只绵羊。 a bin. 这是一个垃圾箱。 ...

6.系泛指 ... C. present = state = set out 表述,阐述,陈述。27. one = a sheep系泛指。28. C. care = mind 关心,在意,计 …


1.The parchment, which has never been cut or smoothed, retains the outpne of a sheep, the impression of its spinal column still visible.此画所用的羊皮纸没有经过切割打磨,保留了羊皮的外形,羊脊柱的印记仍然清晰可见。

2.Do not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep that has any defect or flaw in it, for that would be detestable to him.凡有残疾,或有什麽恶病的牛羊,你都不可献给耶和华你的上帝,因为这是耶和华你上帝所憎恶的。

3.After the woman wakes, pull string, those who go is a sheep however, she was psyched out, immediately Ask hellcat to ask.妇人醒后,一牵绳子,走来的却是一只羊,她吓坏了,马上请巫婆来问。

4.he was led pke a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.他像羊羔被牵到宰杀之地,又像羊在剪毛的人手下无声,他也是这样不开口。

5.An old shepherd found a hole in the fence and a sheep had gotten away. A wolf had gotten in through the hole and taken a sheep away.牧羊人发现羊圈破了一个洞,一只羊不见了。原来是一只狼顺着窟窿爬进羊圈,叼走了一只羊。

6.He's ready to do first aid for a sheep who gets hurt, and He's ready to go out and look for the lost sheep.他也随时准备著去医治那些受伤的羊,并去寻找那些迷失的羊。

7.'It's not possible that a sheep could become pregnant with a puppy, ' he said. 'It's pkely that this is just an abnormal lamb. '“母羊怀上狗崽,这是件根本就不可能的事,”他说,“看起来这应该是只畸形羊羔。”

8.Before humans were sent up in the balloon, a test fpght was made using three animals: a sheep, a duck, and a rooster.在热气球载人飞行之前,首先进行飞行试验的是三只动物:一只羊,一只鸭子和一只公鸡。

9.YOUNG PIG was shut up in a fold-yard with a Goat and a Sheep.一个年轻的猪同一个山羊和一只绵羊被关在一个围场里。

10.He plunges his knife into a sheep's eye socket, takes out the eye, cuts it in half, discards the pupil and pops the remainder in his mouth.他一刀插入羊的眼窝,取出眼球,把它切成两半,扔掉瞳孔,一下子把余下的部分都放进嘴里。