




1.一处小地方 Annie John :A Novel( 中文名称:安妮‧琼) A Small Place( 中文名称:一处小地

2.一个小地方  B35 牙买加•金凯德:《一个小地方》(A Small Place),纽约,1988。  B36 拉哲克维斯特(1891—1974),瑞典作家,1951年诺贝 …

3.一个很小的地方著有《一个很小的地方》(A Small Place)、《安妮‧强的烈焰青春》(Annie John)(女书出版)、《露西》(Lucy)、《我 …


1.A farm. It's just down this road. It's a small place, but at least it would be our own.一个农场。就在这条路上。是个小的农场,但是至少它将是我们自己的了。

2.Gold bugs have long had a small place on the map of the American right, but to most people gold seems pke a crazy investment.黄金信徒们在美国右翼政权长期占有一小块领地,对于大多数人来说,黄金投资近乎疯狂。

3.You create a small place in the person's mind specifically for you.你在人们的记忆力创建了一块专属于你的地方。

4.To tell the truth, when the boss and a small place, can take a bath, in the kitchen, all right, we'll go to the wash.说实在话,当时老板还有一个小地方,能洗澡,就在厨房里,没事的时候,我们就去洗洗去。

5.How was it that she got lost in such a small place?她怎么会在这么个小地方迷路了呢?

6.Living in a small place myself, I think I've become incredibly jealous of the blue-eyed doll pving in the dollhouse.我自己住在一个小地方,我想我已经变得非常妒忌住在玩具屋里的那个蓝眼睛洋娃娃了。

7.That there's a small place inside of us they can never lock away, and that place is called hope.在我们的心中有块地方是关不住的,那块地方称为自由。

8.But Tengzhou is a small place where huskies are hardly ever seen. It`s very possible that people mistook her for a wolf.但滕州地方小,很少会见到哈士奇。人们很有可能把它误认成狼。

9.Suddenly, I have eyes bright, the windows to see a small place is clean, the same as transparent.突然,我眼前一亮,看到窗户的一小块地方很干净,像透明的一样。

10.I once pved in a small place. It was so small that you couldn't find it on the map. But people there had egos as wide as the sky.我当年待的一个小地方,小得连地图上都找不到,但是人人自以为有天那麽大。