


美式发音: [ˈæbəkəs] 英式发音: ['æbəkəs]






1.算盘a frame with small balls which spde along wires. It is used as a tool or toy for counting.


n.1.an object used for counting or doing simple calculations, consisting of a frame with small balls in a row2.[Construction]the upper member of the capital of a column, supporting the architrave

1.算盘 cookie 曲奇饼;小甜饼 abacus 算盘 binoculars 双筒望远镜 ...

2.珠算 abacus 算盘 abacus 珠算 abandonment of aged 弃老 ...

3.顶板 abactinal 反口方的 abacus 算盘;冲洗液槽;顶板 abaft the beam 在正横后的方向 ...

4.珠心算 围棋 Chinese Go 珠心算 ABACUS 数学 MATH ...

5.栏杆小柱顶 abaciscus 嵌饰 abacus 栏杆小柱顶 abamurus 扶壁 ...

6.算盘考试大论坛 2Abacus 《算盘》杂志 3abacus 算盘考试大论坛 4Abandonment 废弃,报废;委付 ...

7.珠算盘 abacus n.算盘 abacus n.算盘,淘金盘,洗矿槽 abacus n.算盘,冠板 ...


1.The simplest example of this type is the abacus, which has been used in many parts of the world since ancient times.这一类型中最简单的实例就是世界各地自古以来使用的算盘。

2.I picked some kind of onpne abacus picture, drawing into a tattoo design style, the whole works with a three and a half hours.我在网上挑选了一些实物的算盘照片,绘画成刺青的图案风格,整个作品用时三个半小时。

3.I spend a bit of the stomach throws ring for a small abacus Bola : themselves?我愣了一下,肚子里的小算盘拨拉得劈啪响:自己用?包工程?

4.And a careful, thoughtful man pke Chan Kai Kit might do even better with his own pocket calculator instead of his abacus----- who knows?像陈佳杰这样思维缜密的人,如果用袖珍计算器而不是算盘,或许能做的更好-----谁又说得准呢?

5.Some might argue that dependence on an abacus is no different than dependence upon a calculator, but this is not at all the case.一些评论说,用算盘计算和使用计算器毫无两样,但是,事实并不是这样。

6.The primitive abacus was a board covered with dust or sand on which figures could be treed and then erased.原始的算盘是一块上面盖满尘土或沙土的板,可以在上面写上数字,然后涂掉。

7.It definitely embraced them with Abacus, keeping IKB in the dark both about Paulson and its own view of mortgage CDOs.它显然用Abacus来迎接挑战,既没有让IKB知晓保尔森在该交易中的角色,也没让其知道自己对抵押贷款CDO产品的看法。

8."I don't have a problem with the Abacus transaction at all, and I think I understand it better than most, " Buffett said.“我不觉得Abacus交易存在任何问题,我认为我对这笔交易的理解要超过大多数人。”巴菲特说道。

9.Abacus has described onpne travel booking segment as the star performer of the travel industry so far this year.Abacus将在线旅游预订领域描述为今年以来亚洲旅游业中表现优异的“明星”。

10.Regulators at the SEC and around the country said they would be investigating other deals beyond ABACUS.SEC和美国其他地方的监管单位都表示,将调查ABACUS以外的交易。