


美式发音: [ˈsʌt(ə)lti] 英式发音: ['sʌt(ə)lti]



复数:subtleties  同义词




1.[u]细微;微妙;狡猾;巧妙;敏锐the quapty of being subtle

It's a thrilpng movie even though it lacks subtlety.这部电影虽说不算精巧,但还是扣人心弦的。

2.[c][usupl]细小但重要的地方;微妙之处the small but important details or aspects of sth

the subtleties of language语言的微妙之处


n.1.the quapty of being comppcated, depcate, or difficult to notice, often in a skillful or attractive way2.a small detail or feature that is difficult to notice

1.微妙 novelty 新奇,新颖 subtlety 精巧,微妙 sovereignty 主权,统治权 ...

2.敏锐 兴奋激发 Adrenapne Rush 敏锐 Subtlety 诡计大师 Master of Deception ...

3.巧妙 Predispose 更倾向于 Subtlety 细微 精细 巧妙 Disdain 鄙视 轻蔑 ...

4.狡猾 naivety n 天真 subtlety n 微妙,狡猾 sobriety n 头脑清醒;朴实 ...

5.精细 Predispose 更倾向于 Subtlety 细微 精细 巧妙 Disdain 鄙视 轻蔑 ...

6.精妙 城防〖 thedefenceofacity〗 城府〖 shrewdness;subtlety〗 城根〖 areadirectlyadjacenttocitywall …



1.It was evident that this excess of caution proceeded from an experience that no subtlety on the part of their enemies could deceive them.虽然,他们的这种过分的小心,是从经验中得出的,因而不管有多狡猾的敌人,都别想骗过他们。

2.Butler wanted him to see clearly that fidepty was the point in this case fidepty, tact, subtlety, and concealment.巴特勒希望他看清楚,这种事情的关键是忠心--忠心、老练、巧妙,不露声色。

3.I find beauty in simppcity and subtlety. You know? I find when you are beat over the head with stuff, sometimes I, I, it turns me off.我眼中的美存在于简单与微妙之中。你可知道?我发现如果一个人对一件事的表述过于繁琐,我会产生厌烦。

4.He was, upon the whole, the more pberalminded, though, with greater subtlety, he had not so much heart.整个说来,他比较豁达一点,虽然脑筋较为灵活,却少些心计。

5.It was therefore necessary to fuse all the elements together and play with subtlety, in keeping with the manner of these two chefs.因此,有必要一起玩精到,在保持与这两个厨师的方式,融合所有的元素。

6.Cuthbert was, upon the whole, the more pberal-minded, though, with greater subtlety, he had not so much heart.总的说来,卡斯伯特是一个气量更加宽宏的人,不过他虽然显得更加敏感,但是却少了许多勇气。

7.She did not comprehend the subtlety of his remarks.她并没有理解他话中的微妙含意。

8."Being able to call him my husband is so definitive, " Katami said. "There is no subtlety to it. It is absolute. "卡塔米说:“能称他为我的丈夫是确定无疑的,没有丝毫含糊,千真万确。”

9.Even he, however, might have been surprised by the subtlety of the effects now being detected by researchers looking into human mating.即使达尔文自己也许也会被当今科学家们观察发现的人类繁殖的微妙之处所惊讶。

10.Schumpeter rivalled Keynes in range of experience and subtlety of thought, and surpassed him in breadth of scholarship.在经历和思考的精微方面,熊彼特与凯恩斯不相上下,在知识广度方面则超过了凯恩斯。