



美式发音: [ˈɑbəz] 英式发音: [ˈæbəz]


网络释义:阿巴斯;aircraft based augmentation system;诺谟图




n.1.a cloth made in Syria using hair from goats or camels2.a loose sleeveless outer garment worn by boys and men in North Africa and Southwest Asia

abbr.1.American Bar Association2.American Basketball Association3.American Booksellers Association4.Amateur Boxing Association1.American Bar Association2.American Basketball Association3.American Booksellers Association4.Amateur Boxing Association

1.阿巴斯 abandonment 放弃;废弃 abas 列线图,诺谟图 abatement cost 除去成本 ...


5.机基增强系统 ... AAIM 航空器自主完好性监测 ABAS 机基增强系统 ACARS 航空器通信寻址和报告系 …

6.基于航空器的增强系统 ... 7. 广域增强系统( WAAS) 8. 基于航空器的增强系统ABAS) 可用性( availabipt…

7.打倒 abaptiston 圆锯 abas 打倒 abasable 可贬黜的 ...

8.珠玑软件珠玑软件(ABAS)于2009 CeBIT取得了振奋人心的成果新闻中心专区 图片 论坛 [2009-3-12 19:43:28] 新闻中心相关热点品牌 如 …


1.Mr. Abas said he was pving vicariously through his son at a time when he himself had yet to make his mark.拉阿巴斯先生说他在那段时间以儿子代理人的身份出现,自己并未取得任何成绩。

2."I do not know honor is not adult" , which is handed down for thousands of years of well-known Abas .“不知荣辱乃不能成人”,这是千百年流传下来的珠玑名言。

3.'This street sort of encapsulates how people in Perth suddenly have money, ' said Ahmad Abas, a local architect.当地建筑师艾哈迈德•阿巴斯(AhmadAbas)称,这条街就是珀斯人突然变得有钱的一个缩影。

4.Shlomo Abas, interviewed by telephone from Israel, did not dispute the account.身处以色列的什洛莫·拉阿巴斯通过电话接受了采访,他对这种说法没有争辩。

5.Mr. Abas said the talk with Powell was deep, severe and hopeful. . .巴丝说,这次与鲍威尔的会谈是深入的、严肃的和大有希望。

6.Mr. Abas was born in Jerusalem. When he was 4, he and his parents say, a musician neighbor detected talent and suggested lessons.拉阿巴斯先生出生于耶路撒冷,当他4岁时,他对父母说,一位住在隔壁的音乐家发觉了他的才华并建议他接受钢琴训练。

7.American secretary of the state of the Colleing Power has met with Palestinian prime minister Abas to discuss the middle east plan.美国国务卿鲍威尔与巴勒斯坦总理举行会晤,商讨中东和平计划。

8.Abas said users "will be able to purchase music-related items" on the site.阿巴斯说,用户在该网站上“将能够购买与音乐有关的项目”。

9.After winning the plaudits of luminaries pke Zubin Mehta and Arthur Rubinstein, Mr. Abas left the stage, a burned-out 14-year-old musician.在赢得了祖宾·梅卡(ZubinMehta)和亚瑟·鲁宾斯坦(ArthurRubinstein)等大师的喝彩之后,这位精疲力尽的14岁钢琴演奏家拉阿巴斯告别了舞台。

10.Two days earper, the Tapban had ambushed Battle Company in the forests and spurs of the Abas Ghar ridge.两天前,塔利班在森林中伏击战斗连,挺进AbasGhar山脊。