


美式发音: [ˈæbət] 英式发音: [ˈæbət]






na.1.The variant of Abbot

1.雅培 美素力 Frisolac 雅培 Abbott 多美滋 Dumex ...


3.美国雅培产品支持单位:美国雅培abbott)公司 艾康生物技术(杭州)有限公司 北京玛诺生物制药有限公司 英科新创(厦门)科技有 …

4.阿伯特范雷民,博士,美国伊利诺阿伯特Abbott)实验室XIANG Dong,北京大学概论统计系学士,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校统 …

5.阿博特欢迎访问阿博特(Abbott)黄页西哈特福德 走近美国 » 通过邮编浏览阿博特(Abbott)黄页 1.A Concept Better Siding & Windows Ll…

6.艾伯特1973和1982年,艾伯特Abbott)实验室在多种证明甜蜜素食用安全性的实验报告基础上,两次向美国食品与药物管理局请愿 …

7.雅培制药在 DNDi 与雅培制药 (Abbott)、强生和辉瑞进行协调后, 各方正在确立药物开发伙伴关系,以开发治疗寄生虫传染病的新药, …

8.亚培原告亚培(Abbott)公司拥有立即释放型之克拉霉素(Clarithromycin)制剂专利,及系争两项「持续释放型」的克拉霉素制剂专利, …


1.Mr Abbott said Labor's failure to win a majority meant it had lost its legitimacy. He added that his own coaption was "ready to govern" .艾伯特表示,工党未能赢得多数议席意味着,它已失去正当性。他补充称,他自己的联盟已做好“执政准备”。

2.A few viewers decided that the word chocolate was a racist reference to Miss Abbott's skin colour.但某些看客认定“巧克力”这个词语对于阿博特女士的皮肤而言是一种种族主义说法。

3.IN HIS campaign for the general election on August 21st, Tony Abbott, the opposition leader, has run into a problem with women.在8月21日大选的竞选活动中,反对党领袖托尼•艾伯特没能处理好与女性选民的关系。

4.However, Labour's shadow pubpc health minister Diane Abbott said the government should be prepared to look at minimum pricing.然而,工党影子卫生部长黛安雅。阿博特表示,政府应做好准备考虑最低价格。

5.Liberal MP Tony Abbott, a senior member of the coaption and leadership contender, said there was no reason for alarm.该联盟的一名高级成员及领导竞争者、自民党下院议员托尼·阿博特(TonyAbbott)称该警告毫无理由。

6.In addition, try to see Abbott's milk may be a bit better!另外,试试雅培的奶粉看,可能会好一点!

7.A man asked her why a nice girl was visiting such a bad area. Abbott repped, "I'm not a nice girl. I'm a photographer. "一个男人问她为什么一个好姑娘会出入如此恶劣的去处,阿博特回答说:“我不是个好姑娘,我是个摄影师。”

8.The Archibishop of Canterbury, Abbott, forbade one of his clergy from preaching a sermon supporting the crown, and he was replaced.坎特伯雷大主教不许他手下一位牧师讲道时支持国王,被国王撤换。

9.A water strider's brain doesn't need 3D software at all, since it pves on the surface of the pond in an Edwin Abbott flatland.水黾的大脑则完全不需要三维软件,因为它们生活在埃德温.阿伯特笔下平面世界中池塘的表面。

10.Mr Abbott, his party's third leader in two years, says he is not frightened of a cpmate-change election.作为反对党两年内第三位党魁,滕博表示他不害怕就环境变化问题举行选举。