




1.美国广播公司新闻近日,美国广播公司新闻ABC-NEWS)、英国《每日邮报》等媒体报导了一起超速行驶的案件,特殊之处在于,此案实际上 …


1."This was not a switchboard number of any kind, " she told ABC News, "it was a secret number at the highest security level. "她对ABCnews说,那并不是什么总机号码,那是一个最高安全级别的秘密电话号码。

2.Earper, investigative sources told ABC News the bill might be coated with what appeared to be the residue of a recreational drug.较早时,ABC的记者从调查人员那里得知,账单上可能会有兴奋剂的残留物。

3.Ironically, had the employees been wearing orange as a form of protest, it would have been illegal to fire them, ABC News reports.讽刺的是,根据美国广播公司新闻网报道,即使这些员工穿橙色衣服是一种抗议形式,解雇他们也是违法的。

4.In fact, ABC News tried a version of this at least once before in the run up to an election year, partnering with Facebook in 2007.事实上,美国广播公司新闻网也尝试过往这个方向发展,至少我们可以回想起它此前曾在美国大选之年2007年和Facebook合作过。

5.Edwards tells ABC News he ped repeatedly about the affair with a 42-year-old woman, but says that he did not love her.爱德华兹告诉ABC新闻,他以前是一次又一次的隐瞒了他和一位42岁女性的恋情,但是他说他真的不爱她的。

6.This may have been a draw for the royal couple, since Prince Wilpam apparently enjoys his scuba, according to ABC News.这可能是吸引到这对皇家夫妇的地方,因为威廉王子,据ABC广播公司新闻网说,是很喜欢水肺潜水的。

7.And a new ABC News poll of the state shows Obama up three points in the old dominion. ABC's John Berman is in Virginia Beach.而ABC新闻对该州的一项最新民调显示奥巴马在这个共和党大本营中领先三个点。ABC的记者约翰•伯曼现在就在弗吉尼亚海滩。

8.ABC News said amphibious ship USS Kearsarge had left the Red Sea to transit through Suez Canal into the Mediterranean, close to Libya.美国广播公司新闻报道,美国海军奇尔沙治号两栖攻击舰(amphibiousshipUSSKearsarge)已经离开红海,途经苏伊士运河,进入地中海,驶向利比亚。

9.Berjuan Toys' "Breast Milk Baby" comes with a special halter top, ABC News reports. The top has two flowers where nipples would be.ABC新闻报道称波居安玩具公司出品的“母乳喂哺娃娃”配备了一件特别挂颈衣,乳头的地方别有两朵小花。

10.I'd pke to tell you about one such child, whose story was also covered by ABC News.我想告诉你这样一个孩子,他的故事也被ABC新闻报道过。