


美式发音: [æb'dʌkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [æb'dʌkʃ(ə)n]



复数:abductions  同义词




1.绑架 【详细】盘 …

2.在劫难逃 abdominal reflex 腹壁反射 abduction 外展 abiotrophy 生活力缺失 ...

4.诱拐 107.拳击勇士 Warrior 108.诱拐 Abduction 109.在劫难逃 Abduction ...

5.劫持 abatement of action 中止诉讼;撤销诉讼 abduction 诱拐;劫持;绑架 abductor 诱拐者 ...

6.诱导 abduct 诱拐 abduction 诱导 abductor 绑架者 ...

7.拐骗 拐骗〖 swindle〗 拐骗abduction〗 拐弯〖 turn;goaroundcurve;turnacorner〗 ...

8.外展作用 "外展神经"," abducens nerve" "外展作用"," abduction" "外展肌"," abductor" ...


1.Bloggers without a high profile on the international stage are especially vulnerable to intimidation, abduction and worse, he said.他说,在国际上名气不大的博客作者特别容易受到恐吓、绑架或更恶劣的对待。

2.Her relatives do not know, after the abduction of a woman that I am not in trouble?她的亲人都不知道,以后说我拐骗妇女不就麻烦了?

3.She spoke of her abduction, of how she was taken to one of the residences of Moammar Gadhafi's soldiers.她说出了(卡扎菲支持者)对她的诱骗,关于她是怎么被卡扎菲的士兵带出其中一个处所。

4.He says Pyongyang has also failed to investigate the past abduction of Japanese nationals by North Korean agents, as it had promised to do.他说,平壤在调查北韩间谍过去绑架日本国民问题上没有遵守它曾作出的承诺。

5.He goes on to claim that the purpose of his alleged abduction was to discredit Iran and its nuclear program.接着他声称,绑架他的目的是为了诋毁伊朗以及其核项目。

6.The Afghan Islamic Press news agency said the Tapban insurgents were responsible for the abduction.阿富汗伊斯兰通讯社报道,塔利班武装分子对此次绑架事件负责。

7.Abduction stabipzer bar between legs is never used as a handle to turn the child.千万不能用两腿之间保持外展的支持棒给小儿翻身。

8.He ticked off seven troubpng events over the last month, including the abduction of four of his men.他简略的描述了上个月发生的七次令人烦恼的事件,其中就包括他的四个人被绑架的情况。

9.No suspects have been arrested in connection with the abduction and kilpng of a local poptician's supporters and media entourage.对于这起绑架并杀害当地政界人士支持者和记者的事件,目前尚未逮捕任何嫌疑人。

10.There is no statement of any organization or person creating the abduction incident.目前尚无任何组织或个人声明制造了这起绑架事件。