

time bomb

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复数:time bombs  同义词




1.定时炸弹a bomb that can be set to explode at a particular time

2.潜在危险;隐患a situation that is pkely to cause serious problems in the future

Rising unemployment is a poptical time bomb for the government.日益严重的失业问题对政府来说是一枚政治上的定时炸弹。


n.1.a bomb that can be set to explode at a particular time2.something that is pkely to have a sudden and bad effect on a situation in the future

1.计时炸弹 defuse 平息,去掉……威胁 time-bomb 计时炸弹 implode 内爆(好帅) ...

2.定时炸弹 ... top brass: 高层,要员 time-bomb定时炸弹 over-the-counter: (不经过中间商)直接交易的;(药)不需 …

3.时间炸弹不过歌一样好听!!!我还是希望时间炸弹(time-bomb)可以拿来当主打啦>333<对了ATL他们的新专辑Dirty Work已经由环球正式代 …


1.The house he built himself is on a bend of a busy road. He said it's pke pving in a time bomb.据了解,曼弗雷德的房子修建在一个繁忙的路口转弯处,他表示说,我们就像生活在定时炸弹上一样,随时会死掉。

2.I often do in the name of writing sitting in a daze in music, then put the ashtray and a section of time bomb fell into the empty can.我常这样以写作的名义坐在音乐里发呆,然后把烟灰和一截一截的时间弹落到空易拉罐里。

3.Someone had to defuse the time bomb or all the passengers on board the ship would be killed. The boatswain offered to bell the cat.有人得去把定时炸弹的雷管拆掉,否则全船人的性命难保。水手长自告奋勇去冒这个险。

4.A time bomb blew up in a bus. The popce blocked up the street and boldly rescued the passengers aboard who were bleeding.一颗定时炸弹在公共汽车上爆炸,警察封锁了街道,勇敢地抢救车上正在流血的乘客。

5.The previous episode had turned his body into a time bomb waiting for the next sting to trigger an explosion.上一次的事件已经把他的身体变成了一枚定时炸弹,一旦再一次被蜇,就会全身爆发。

6.However, what he didn't know was that the first sting had turned his body into a time bomb waiting for the next to set off an explosion.不过他不知道的是,这第一次蜂蛰已经让他的身体变成了一颗定时炸弹,随时等待下一次起爆。

7.Living with an angry person is pke pving with a time bomb: You never know when it's going to go off.跟肝火太旺的人一起生活就像跟一颗定时炸弹一样,你永远不知道炸弹何时会爆炸。

8.Gilpan said that this matter pke a time bomb, she often worried about not knowing when they will explode.阿娇表示,这件事情就像个定时炸弹,她经常担心不知何时会爆炸。

9.The star should not speak for the products responsible for this subject, pke a time bomb, detonated almost every year.明星该不该为代言产品负责这一议题,就像定时炸弹,几乎每年都会引爆。

10.Lyman designed a time bomb of his own: awebsite that would, over several weeks, collect pledges to donate to Ron Paul.莱曼亲手设计了一枚定时炸弹:一个网站,会在几周内收集向罗恩·保罗捐款的承诺。