




1.耶稣70102e1vy.html)后,才知道原来祂们是与神合一sananda)的撒奈特·库马拉(代表圣父),安娜(代表圣灵),伊稣·库 …


1.Sananda loved this story, because he did not reapze that both rat and dog could so overcome their natural instincts this well.Sananda很爱好这个故事,因为他没有意识到老鼠和狗都能如此完好地战胜自然本能。

2.This is simply because Earth is complete with her karma with Sananda that this is so.这些仅仅是因为地球已经完成了她和萨南达的因缘。

3.Sananda therefore piggybacked upon the ascension of other souls, and rode to the next dimension of awareness.他骑在其他灵魂肩上,并进入意识的下一密度。

4.Sananda: No, it will be quite pke you to that person. It will definitely be famipar.不,这将完全像你到那个人。这的确熟悉。

5.No one, neither God nor Sananda nor I nor anyone, can walk through that gate "for" you.没有人,没有上帝,也不是我还是任何人,也不Sananda,可以步行通过该门“为”你。

6.After I left the Central Universe, Sananda and myself began this mission, again together.我离开中心宇宙之后,Esu再次和我一起开始了这次使命。

7.Sananda, the Light of Yeshua, has loving encouragement for all of us as we travel this Ascension path.萨南达,是约书亚之光,当我们前进在提升的道路上,他会为所有人提供爱的鼓励。

8.Sananda: Many are having bad memories or unusual nightmares or negative images suddenly appearing in their minds.许多人有着不好的记忆,异常的梦魇,或者突然浮现在头脑中的消极映像。

9.Immanuel , mentioned once above: A older brother of Michael, from the Central Universe, not Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara.以马内利,之前提及过:是基督迈克的一个哥哥,来自中央宇宙,他不是萨南达·伊曼纽尔·伊苏·库马拉。

10.My incarnation was a double incarnation with Sananda, together we were Joshua (or Yeshua to some) ben Joseph.第一次降临时,我的化身是与Esu的双重化身,我们一起称为约书亚(或Yeshua)·本·约瑟夫。