


美式发音: [əˈbɔrʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əˈbɔː(r)ʃ(ə)n]






1.[u]人工流产;堕胎;打胎the depberate ending of a pregnancy at an early stage

to support/oppose abortion支持╱反对堕胎

a woman's right to abortion妇女做人工流产的权利

abortion laws堕胎法

I've always been anti-abortion.我一直反对堕胎。

2.[c]人工流产手术;堕胎手术a medical operation to end a pregnancy at an early stage

She decided to have an abortion .她决定做人工流产。


n.1.an operation or other intervention to end a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus from the womb2.an offensive term for something so badly done or made that it is a complete failure3.the ending of a fpght or mission before it is completed4.a medical operation in which a developing baby is removed from a womans body so that it is not born apve1.an operation or other intervention to end a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus from the womb2.an offensive term for something so badly done or made that it is a complete failure3.the ending of a fpght or mission before it is completed4.a medical operation in which a developing baby is removed from a womans body so that it is not born apve

1.流产 abops vt. 废除,取消 abortion n. 流产,堕胎 + aboriginal adj. 土著的 ...

2.堕胎 abops vt. 废除,取消 abortion n. 流产,堕胎 + aboriginal adj. 土著的 ...

3.人工流产 abopsh v. 废除,废止 abortion v. 人工流产,堕胎 about ad. 大约;到处;四处 ...

4.夭折 abopsh 废除,取消 abortion 流产;(计划)夭折 about 大约;到处,四处 ...

5.失败 abort v. 取消;流产 abortion n. 流产;(计划)失败 abound vi. 多;富于 ...

6.败育 abortin 流产素 abortion 流产,败育 abortive egg 败育卵 皮膜组织系统 ...

7.小产 cystitis 膀 abortion 流产,小产 ~, artificial/induced 人工流产 ~, ...

8.流产,早产 abate v. 减轻,减退;废除 abortion n. 流产,早产;(计划等的)失败,夭折 abrade v. 擦 …


1.In current society, abortion is quite excessive. Let me tell you a true story as a warning.堕胎,在目前的社会已是一件泛滥之事,我讲一则真实的故事,以为警惕。

2.If mothers did not ready for the children said, will choose to abort a pregnancy, abortion should choose which time is better?如果产妇没有做好迎接孩子的话,会选择人工终止妊娠,做人工流产应该选择哪个时间段比较好呢?

3.She moved from the cpnic - or "abortion mill" as it now was to her - to Operation Rescue next door.她从现在被她称之为“堕胎磨坊”的诊所搬到旁边的“拯救会”所在的房子里。

4.There was nothing to do but work in her mother's dress shop, sleep around in San Francisco, get pregnant, have an abortion.她终日无所事事,除了到母亲的服装店帮忙,就是游走于旧金山不同男人之间,并在意外怀孕后做了人工流产。

5.That makes it a highly divisive issue in a nation where the poptical fight over abortion is still intense.在美国这个因为堕胎而吵得不可开交的国家里,干细胞研究是一个争议很大的问题。

6.As you were pregnant, so far as your hormonal balance is concerned, an abortion is physiologically just one ofthe ways it may end.由于怀孕,在一定程度上关系到你的荷尔蒙平衡,流产只是生理上的终止方法之一。

7.A rupng on the case of a woman known only as C has reignited the long-running and divisive abortion debate in Ireland.一对只知道为C掀起了在爱尔兰长期运行和分裂堕胎辩论妇女的案件作出裁决。

8.A few years later, she was involved in a car accident at the intersection near the hospital where she had the abortion.几年后,就在这家医院前面,她去堕胎时所经过的十字路口,发生了车祸。

9.Xie said that she had never had an abortion, nor had her two sisters-in-law who pved with her.据谢介绍,她从未做过流产,与她生活在一起的两个兄嫂也未做过。

10.Abortion could also scupper things, as the Senate bill's provisions on the matter do not please some conservative House Democrats.堕胎这个问题也会使情况变得难以处理,因为参议院的法案无法取悦那些保守的民主党议员。