




1.我们…好吗 seventy 七十 (4A7) Shall we …? 我们……好吗? (4A7) shape 形状 (5A9) ...

2.我们去…好吗 How about doing…? … 怎么样? Shall we…? 我们去…好吗? Let’s…,shall we? 让我们去…好吗…

3.要这样吗 ... "I know what they desire." 我知道他们想要什麽 "Shall we?" 要这样吗? "Don't you trust me?" 你不相信我吗? ...

4.我们吃东西吧,好吗 ... - And furniture. - Yes,and furniture. - 还有家具 - 对,还有家具 Let's eat. Shall we? 我们吃东西吧,好吗? ...

5.咱们 ... 5.Let's… 让我们……好吗? 4.Shall we…? 咱们……好吗? 7.Why don't you…? 你为什么不…


1.Finally, they looked at one another. They did not speak. But their looks seemed to say, 'What shall we do with this gold? '最后,他们沉默的一个接着一个的看着对方,像是说:“我们应该用这些金子做什么?”

2.Yes, you did, but I have my reward. It was wonderful of you to have come. Shall we go in?是的,你让我为难了,但我得到了我的奖赏。你来真是太棒了,我们进去好吗?

3.37 people heard this, they cut to the heart to the rest of the apostles Peter and said: "Brethren, what shall we do? "37众人听见这话,觉得扎心,就对彼得和其余的使徒说:“弟兄们,我们当怎样行?”

4.Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him!现在我们既靠着他的血称义,就更要借着他免去神的忿怒。

5.How much ham shall we get? Three kilos.我们要买多少火腿?三公斤。

6.How much beef and ham shall we get?我们需要买多少牛肉和火腿?

7.Shall we then allow him to sail out unharmed, or shall we first take away from him that which he brought with him?我们是应该放他出海,不加伤害,还是应该先把他带来的一切都没收?

8.They utter no book, as the letter book even Newton can make mistakes, how much more shall we these mortals?俗话说尽信书不如无书,连牛顿都会犯错误,何况我们这些凡人呢?。

9.Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?如此,我岂听你们行这大恶,娶外邦女子干犯我们的神呢。

10.Shall we go to Huangshan this summer? --We went there last summer. What about travelpng abroad? --Let me think about it a while.今年夏天咱们去黄山吗?--我们去年夏天去的,到国外旅游怎样?--让我想会儿吧。